Comments on A Little Bit of Mischief in Vitalus - Events

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FourDayz's Avatar
FourDayz Staff Member

Egress Unveiled Event: The Brutes Draw or write your Reosean partaking in a free-for-all trial of combat. Each contestant is tasked with gathering golden rocks, you may be a warrior to fight tooth and nail for your prizes, or maybe you sneakily take a few from another. The winner will be decided by who has the most golden rocks at the end of the timer. Featured Reoseans: Just here for the CP: 3092 Words By FourDayz and Renya06

2024-03-05 01:04:41 (Edited 2024-03-28 18:43:48)

Renya's Avatar

Naros could see by the telltale flicks of Kinosa’s tail that she was getting irritated. She *hated* having to reveal more than she was willing, especially when it pertained to her past. He didn’t want to unleash her ire on Ethel, so he promptly jammed himself between the two, “W-well, that’s not very important right now, is it?” The puller begged Ethel to drop it, eyes pleading. “Weren’t you looking for some pups? Our quarry also seems to have vanished into these caves, so we might as well travel together!”

2024-03-13 14:38:53

FourDayz's Avatar
FourDayz Staff Member

“How did you come to know of these creatures?” Ethel asked, tilting her head out of curiosity. “From what I understand, their home has been sealed off for a very long time.”

2024-03-13 12:47:37

Renya's Avatar

“I have indeed,” she answered cryptically, deliberately not sharing all she knew. “Now, you mentioned others lighting the way, so I have to assume contact has been made?” she continued, teeth bared in a grim smirk as she probably imagined the resulting pandaemonium.

2024-03-13 12:27:01

FourDayz's Avatar
FourDayz Staff Member

Ethel turned sharply, startled by sound of someone else speaking. She was sure it was just to the two of them here. Her eyes flicked up to the purple sigil atop the chaser’s head. *Ah, Magicborn.* She took a few steps away from Naros and the newcomer. Was the “we” Naros was covering for? “So, you’ve already heard of them? That’s a rare occurrence.”

2024-03-13 12:15:55

Renya's Avatar

"Ahh, I'm sorry to say that I don't know much. We-*I*," he could practically hear Kino's chastising at the near slip of revealing her presence, but this lady was making him flustered, okay! "I've never seen the thing for myself. I just know it's bad news. And-" A distinctive laugh cut him off, a predatory snapping of sharp teeth echoing ominously. As the Camo Hunter slunk out of the shadows she'd been merged with, the glow of her crown bathed the area an eerie purple. "Headians, you say? Now that's a word I haven't heard in a long, *long* time." He gaped as she came forward, her diminutive body offset by her impressive presence. Those 'headians' must really be something else if they could get the elusive Kinosa to show herself to a stranger.

2024-03-11 22:06:40