All Prompts


♦ Please read all of the designing guides that apply to your reosean before you submit them ♦



Please use the following form in your submission description:

Import Stash: (Link your here!)
Proof Link: (If submitting a Geno, link your proof here! Make sure to link it in your, too! If submitting a Semi-Custom, attach all of the items you wish to use to the prompt OR mention here which items you are using!)
Previous Attempts: 

Free Markings Used:
Hidden Marking?
(Have you hidden any markings? Tell us!)
Carrier Markings?
(Are there any markings on the Design which are exibiting carrier effects? If so, which ones? If none, just write no!

These are some of the most common problems we see that get designs sent to corrections; look over yours and make sure they check out!

♦ Make sure all lineart is visibly darker than what it sits over!

♦ Make sure the design is at its original size of 2000x1414 or 2500x1767 depending on your reosean!

♦ Make sure that none of your markings have been made with a binary tool - these will be rejected!

♦ Make sure your pupil is relatively centered and not obscured by highlights!

♦ Make sure your lips and eyelids are visibly darker than the fur around them!

♦ Make sure you haven't used absolute black or black so dark is makes the lineart difficult to see anywhere on the design- if you're using deep blacks, make sure you're using flat black lines in those areas so that the lines can be seen! All black tones used in designs must be above 4% value.
♦ Make sure all gradient markings (Oriental/Bleached, Sable, Pangare, etc.) are appropriately blended out!



No rewards.


♦ Please read all of the designing guides that apply to your reosean before you submit them ♦



Please use the following form in your submission description:

Link to Import: (Link the original import in the Reos-Empire gallery here!)
Link to New Design:
(Must be in!)
Username of New Designer:

Which item are you using?:
(Touch-Up, Do-Over, or I'm not sure! Please make sure to at least have either a Touch-Up or a Do-Over in your inventory!)
Will you be using a passport today?
(Yes/No-- make sure to have a Passport in your inventory if yes!)

These are some of the most common problems we see that get designs sent to corrections; look over yours and make sure they check out!

♦ Make sure all lineart is visibly darker than what it sits over!

♦ Make sure the design is at its original size of 2000x1414 or 2500x1767 depending on your reosean!

♦ Make sure that none of your markings have been made with a binary tool - these will be rejected!

♦ Make sure your pupil is relatively centered and not obscured by highlights!

♦ Make sure your lips and eyelids are visibly darker than the fur around them!

♦ Make sure you haven't used absolute black or black so dark is makes the lineart difficult to see anywhere on the design- if you're using deep blacks, make sure you're using flat black lines in those areas so that the lines can be seen! All black tones used in designs must be above 4% value.
♦ Make sure all gradient markings (Oriental/Bleached, Sable, Pangare, etc.) are appropriately blended out!



No rewards.


♦ Please read all of the designing guides that apply to your reosean before you submit them ♦



Please use the following form in your submission description:

Import Stash: (Link your here!)
Proof Link:
(If submitting a Geno, link your proof here! Make sure to link it in your, too! If submitting a Semi-Custom, attach all of the items you wish to use to the prompt OR mention here which items you are using!)
Submission Number: 

Free Markings Used:
Hidden Marking?
(Have you hidden any markings? Tell us!)
Carrier Markings?
(Are there any markings on the Design which are exibiting carrier effects? If so, which ones? If none, just write no!

These are some of the most common problems we see that get designs sent to corrections; look over yours and make sure they check out!

♦ Make sure all lineart is visibly darker than what it sits over!

♦ Make sure the design is at its original size of 2000x1414 or 2500x1767 depending on your reosean!

♦ Make sure that none of your markings have been made with a binary tool - these will be rejected!

♦ Make sure your pupil is relatively centered and not obscured by highlights

♦ Make sure your lips and eyelids are visibly darker than the fur around them

♦ Make sure you haven't used absolute black or black so dark is makes the lineart difficult to see anywhere on the design- if you're using deep blacks, make sure you're using flat black lines in those areas so that the lines can be seen! All black tones used in designs must be above 4% value.

♦ Make sure all gradient markings (Oriental/Bleached, Sable, Pangare, etc.) are appropriately blended out!

Make sure your proofs are correct, in the right places, and you have attached all your items - then hit submit!




No rewards.


♦ political status update

Think of of your Reosean's Political Status as their 'rank' within Reos - these determine a few things, the main ones being the amount of breeding slots the reosean has and their chances of yeilding an empty litter, along with which classes they can hold.

Click >> HERE << for the Political Status Guide 
Click >> HERE << for the Citizen Points Guide 

Submitting your status UPDATE...

Link to import:
Link to tracker journal:
CP amount:


No rewards.


♦ The purity trials

The Purity Trials are a set of tests that each Reosean must complete before they are eligible for breeding - they serve to show that the Reosean can care for both themselves and any future young. You will need to complete all three trials in order to receive the PoB certificate, which is required before a Reosean may be bred. 

Each of these trials is a little different and some have specific instructions depending on the continent your Reosean lives in, so read carefully!

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words.
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your Purity Trials

Once you've completed all three trials, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Purity Trials and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their Pure of Blood Certificate.​

Link to Reosean's import:
Link to Companion:
Link to all three trials:
Prompts Used: (If not mentioned in the Deviation)
Previous Correction:(If applicable)


No rewards.


♦ replacing The purity trials

Sometimes we just like to change it up-- and with a Certificate of Withdrawal, you can!

- This will allow you to re-do the images or literature pieces on your Reosean's Purity Trials. You CANNOT submit a withdrawl submission without supplementing NEW Purity Trial images! The new images must STILL meet ALL of the requirements that regular submissions do.

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1500 words.
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your Purity Trials

Once you've completed all three trials, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Purity Trials - Certificate of Withdrawal and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their new Purity Trials for their Pure of Blood Certificate.​
!!! Important: To replace the Purity Trials on a Reosean's import, you will have to use a Certificate of Withdrawal. Attach this item to the prompt as well.

Link to Reosean's import:
Link to Companion:
Link to all three trials:
Prompts Used: (If not mentioned in the Deviation)
Previous Correction:(If applicable)


No rewards.


♦ cLUMSY ME...

Sometimes we just like to change it up-- and with a Certificate of Withdrawal, you can!

This will reset your Reosean's Training back to unfinished. You CANNOT use this if your Reosean is bonded, because Training is a requisite to bonding. You will need to break the bond first before applying this certificate.

You CAN use this however if you are IMMEDIATELY replacing the artwork with new images. These images must still meet the requirements of a regular submission.


Submitting your RESET...

!!! Important: You will have to use a Certificate of Withdrawal. Attach this item to the prompt as well.

Link to Import:
​Item Attached:


No rewards.


Category: Training



Every Reosean, regardless of their species, size or type, starts off as a rookie. Young and untrained Reoseans have a mind of their own and can be hard to deal with for riders and companions that need them to be able to get from point A to point B without unnecessary shenanigans. It is oftentimes a life and death gamble for untrained individuals. Reoseans must learn how to survive out in the world and that's where training comes in.

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words. 
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your TRAINING...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Training and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their confirmation that they have completed their Training.

Link to Reosean's import:
Link to Companion:
Link to the Training Stages: Stage 1/2/3 (Mention which stage!)
Prompts Used: (If not mentioned in the Deviation)
Previous Correction: (If applicable)


No rewards.


♦ I want a divorce

While bonding is a very dear tradition to Reoseans, there is the option to break a bond. Both parties will decide to part, but because of the magical nature of the bonding it is a very heavy and exhausting experience. It isn't without its suffering. 

Still, if the Reosean(s) and their bonded partner decide to do so, using a Soul Cleanse Potion will alleviate some of the pain caused by this experience, and is therefor required and necessary to break a bond. 


Submitting your divorce...

!!! Important: You will have to use a Soul Cleanse Potion. Attach this item to the prompt as well.

Link to import:
Link to bonded companion: (link to other Reosean's import, or a reference sheet/name of a companion)


No rewards.


Category: Bonding



All Reoseans are extremely intelligent animals and when they reach maturity, they usually start to seek out a partner to bond with. This bonded creature doesn’t necessarily mean a Reosean they’ll mate with. Nowadays, the animals choose ‘their humans’ as their bonded partners - be it because of the rise in their demand or simply because it’s more practical for the Reoseans themselves. 

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words. 
♦ All bonding parties must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your BOND...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Bonding and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their special connection with their Choice.

Link to import:
Link to bonded companion(s): (link to other Reosean(s) import, or a reference sheet/name of a companion)
Bonded's owner: 
Bonding Stages:

Previous Correction: (If applicable)


No rewards.


♦ GEt fired!

Sometimes we just like to change it up-- and with a Certificate of Withdrawal, you can!

This will reset your Reosean's class to empty, meaning that if you wish to change the classes you will need to apply a certificate first, and then reapply for a different class like you would have done the very first time.


Submitting your RESET...

!!! Important: You will have to use a Certificate of Withdrawal. Attach this item to the prompt as well.

Link to Import:
​Item Attached:


No rewards.



The final stage of a Reosean's journey through the classes- the Specialty Class!
This class is the Endgame and is vital for combat. Along with it are Reosean Abilities, special skills that can only be honed by the best of the best!

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words. 
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your SCT...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Specialty Class Task and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their third and final Class.

Link to Import:
Entry Link:
Current Class:
Next Desired Class:

Correction: (Link your previous correction if you have been corrected and had to repost!)


No rewards.



Now that your Reosean has acquired a low class through the ICQ tasks, it's time to push them even further! Their skills have been recognized and now they may apply for a high class, which brings a whole new spectrum of perks and activities!
To successfully acquire a high class, you will need to draw/write about a certain task!
There are two High Classes to choose from once you have unlocked your ICT, which then goes into a single Specialty Class afterwards! 
​Choose wisely!

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words. 
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your HCT...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select High Class Task and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their second Class.

Link to Import:
Entry Link:
Current Class:
Next Desired Class:

Correction: (Link your previous correction if you have been corrected and had to repost!)


No rewards.



Reoseans get their first low class through the Initial Class Quest (referred to as ICQ) and cannot start questing until they go through this. Read about the jobs and their individual stats here: Classes  ​[This page is not yet properly updated!] - and pick one for your Reosean. 
​To successfully complete the ICQ, you will need to draw/write about a certain task!

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words. 
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your ICQ...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Initial Class Quest and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their first Class.

Link to Import:
​Entry Link:
Desired Class:
Correction: (Link your previous correction if you have been corrected and had to repost!)​


No rewards.


Category: Path of Magic



Once your Reosean reaches the Spark magic status and a minimum of Recognized political status, it is time to decide which Magi path they'll go.

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words. 
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting FOR MAGI...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Magi and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their confirmation that they have completed their Magi entry.

Link to import:
Link to entry:
Magic rank:
Previous Correction: (If applicable)


No rewards.



Once your Reosean successfully achieves to become a Magi of one of the three paths and has a minimum Exemplar political status, they're finally one step away from Exaltation and becoming a Spellmaster.

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words. 
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!


Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Spellmaster and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their confirmation that they have completed their Spellmaster entry.

!!! Important: To become a Spellmaster, one must also become attuned with a Spellbook. Attach this item to the prompt as well.

Link to import:
Link to entry:
Magic rank:
Previous Correction: (If applicable)


No rewards.


♦ a SPARKED touch

Each reosean is born Enchanted, the only exception being Reoseans with mutant traits. Mutants cannot learn any magic; however, they do get different bonuses.

Click >> HERE << for the guide and the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.​ Companions must show at least three bodily sections)
♦ If prey is required for the prompt, it must be at least 50% visible.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them.

Literature must be...

♦ ​At least 1000 words. 
♦ Reosean must be actively present in 75% of the piece.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your SPARKED...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Sparked and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your Reosean their confirmation that they have completed their Sparked entry.

Link to import:
Link to entry:
Magic rank:
Previous Correction: (If applicable)


No rewards.


♦ resetting the magic path

Sometimes we just like to change it up-- and with an Amnesia Tonic, you can!

This will reset your Reosean's magic rank to Enchanted, meaning that if you wish to change the magic class from the start you will need to apply an Amnesia Tonic first, and then reapply for a magic rank once more like you would have done the very first time.


Submitting your RESET...

!!! Important: You will have to use an Amnesia. Attach this item to the prompt as well.

Link to Import:
​Item Attached:


No rewards.


Category: Questing


♦ QUesting

Questing is a key activity for acquiring items that can be used for crafting, stat/import changes, etc. 

Click >> HERE << for the guide and >> HERE <<  for the prompts!


Images must be...

♦ Follow the prompt for your desired quest. If the quest asks that the reosean look under a rock for something, draw them actually searching rather than just standing beside a rock! ​View the questing prompts here!
♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.
♦ Should the quest call for a prey animal to be present, at least 50% of the prey must be visible. Prey must be clearly recognizable.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them - flat grey blobs will not be accepted for rocks, flat brown lines will not be accepted for trees, etc. See the example to the right!
​♦ Reoseans should follow the laws of gravity; no floating reoseans just to fit extras into the image.
♦ Reosean markings need to be recognizably placed and shaped in comparison to where they are on the vayron's import (ex. randomly placed blobs for merle will not be accepted, they don't have to be perfect but they should be in a similar size and shape to those on the import).
♦ 'Stick Figures' will not be accepted, some amount of muscle or joint definition should be visible.
♦ You may have a maximum of 10 images in one sheet. This is in reference to the sheets where there are roughly 15+ small images, etc. You MAY NOT crop or edit older images not drawn by you that have 10+ in there to make it passable. There was a deadline for this, and if you missed it that's on you.
♦ Up to 3 Reoseans per an activity image, if there are more then it needs to be clearly mentioned in the image/literature entry description which Reoseans are questing and which are not.
If extra reoseans are added, there may only be +3 for a total of 6 reoseans in the image - still, only 3 of those may be rolled for the quest.
*Note you cannot have three reoseans in an image questing and include another three hunting, there may only be three activities rolled in a single image.
However, if you do a Purity Trial entry with small prey, the companions in that PT can redeem the image for either a hunt or the "Q2: Cure for an Empty Stomach" quest.​ Quests cannot be combined with any other core images.

Literature must be...

♦ Literature entries must be 800 words minimum.
♦ Just as with visual art, the Reosean needs to be actively present at least in 75% of the story. If the quest prompt requires a prey animal then it needs to be present in 50% of the story.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your quest...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Questing and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your loot.
Quest name: (Full name. Ex: Quest 1: They Called me a Lumberjack)
Link to Quest entry:
Link to Import and #: 
Additional Bonuses:
- Familiars, etc
- Items
- Political Status
- Additional Reosean
- Guild Member


No rewards.


Category: Hunting



Questing is a key activity for acquiring items that can be used for crafting, stat/import changes, etc. 

Click >> HERE << for the guide and >> HERE <<  for the prey


Images must be...

♦ Images must be full body (at least four bodily sections showing), colored, and shaded with a background, at least 500x500 in size.
♦ At least 50% of the prey must be visible. Prey must be clearly recognizable.
♦ Backgrounds should have at least 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Some examples of elements could include rocks, foliage, water, buildings, etc. These elements should have some depth and texture to them - flat grey blobs will not be accepted for rocks, flat brown lines will not be accepted for trees, etc. See the example to the right!
​♦ Reoseans should follow the laws of gravity; no floating reoseans just to fit extras into the image.
♦ Reosean markings need to be recognizably placed and shaped in comparison to where they are on the vayron's import (ex. randomly placed blobs for merle will not be accepted, they don't have to be perfect but they should be in a similar size and shape to those on the import).
♦ 'Stick Figures' will not be accepted, some amount of muscle or joint definition should be visible.
♦ You may have a maximum of 10 images in one sheet. This is in reference to the sheets where there are roughly 15+ small images, etc. You MAY NOT crop or edit older images not drawn by you that have 10+ in there to make it passable. There was a deadline for this, and if you missed it that's on you.
♦ Up to 3 Reoseans per an activity image, if there are more then it needs to be clearly mentioned in the image/literature entry description which Reoseans are hunting and which are not.
If extra reoseans are added, there may only be +3 for a total of 6 reoseans in the image - still, only 3 of those may be rolled for the hunt.
*Note you cannot have three reoseans in an image hunting and include another three questing, there may only be three activities rolled in a single image.
However, you can have 3 reosean's hunting in an image and up to 3 extra reoseans doing their Sustain PT in the image (just like if you've drawn sustain PTs for 3 reoseans hunting, the companions can redeem that image for hunt).
 Hunts cannot be combined with any other core images.

Literature must be...

♦ Literature entries must be 800 words minimum.
♦ Just as with visual art, the Reosean needs to be actively present at least in 75% of the story and the prey needs to be present in 50% of the story.
♦ Lit entries need to have separated paragraphs instead of single continuous wall of text. It is incredibly difficult for the admins reviewing the entry to read a solid wall of text!
♦ As with art entries, lit entries can be denied in the case of low quality; no noticeable plot, using the same adjectives over and over again to make up word count, etc. is a fantastic resource if you're looking for words!

Submitting your hunt...

Once you've completed the image or literature, head over to the Submit Prompt and select Hunting and fill out the form below. An admin will get back to you and either request edits or pass the entries and give your loot.

Link to Hunting Entry: 
Link to Import and #: 
Prey Type and Size:
Training Stage Number: 
Additional Bonuses: 
- Owlcat/Beetle/Familiars, etc
- Items
- Political Status
- Additional Reosean
- Guild Member


No rewards.
35 results found.