Egress Unveiled Event: The Brutes
Draw or write your Reosean partaking in a free-for-all trial of combat. Each contestant is tasked with gathering golden rocks, you may be a warrior to fight tooth and nail for your prizes, or maybe you sneakily take a few from another. The winner will be decided by who has the most golden rocks at the end of the timer.
Featured Reoseans:
Just here for the CP:
3092 Words
By FourDayz and Renya06
"Ethel. And no need to apologize. I just found your lack of introduction fairly charming." Her smiled faded as she examined the half-melted snow around them. "Better they remain trapezing about the caverns, then. If you are entering the haedian's home land then allow me to take to through the tunnels. Other have lighted the more well tread routes but it's easy to get lost. Maybe you can tell me more about the entity that causes this snow? You seem have more experience with it than I."
He frowned, “Pups? No, no there wasn’t anyone up there. The traces in the snow looked fairly faded as well.” He hoped they hadn’t encountered the thing that had made Kino wary. They’d never managed to even see it, but the frozen scapes it left behind always put her in quite a mood. If this lady hadn’t encountered it either, it would seem they had missed it once again. But, speaking of the fair stranger, “I apologize for my rudeness, I was simply worried that you may have met whatever caused this mess.” He gestured to the sparkling icicles slowly dripping onto the cavern ground, “May I ask your name?”
She blinked then giggle at the quick change in conversation, forgetting her brief shock in seeing him tumbling down a fairly tall rock wall. "Formalities escape you, don't they?" Deciding that the puller called Naros must be fine if he was so willing to conversate she continued. "I am fine but you haven't seen three pups up above?"
"Nope, 'm fine." He grunted from where he lay on the floor. Unabashed cackling could be heard filtering through from above, and he got up to glare at it. She could've helped; he *knew* she could've. He looked around, and his jaw dropped, "Woah... You're beautiful!" The stranger's swirly white and blue coat left him breathless, and he couldn't stop staring. He quickly got up and cleared his throat, glad that his pink fur would hide his blush "Huh, yes, Hi! I'm Naros. Are *you* okay? This place isn't natural. "
Indeed they weren’t the only creatures by the entrance of the crevasse. Another vayron, a runner, stepped out from the shadows of the rocky walls. Moonlight washed over the white on her mane and coat, practically setting her and the surrounding snow aglow. She shouted three names into the night, three reckless pups, only a few years younger than herself, yet she worried for them like a mother for her own kids.
Hearing no response, she debated whether she should continue her search outside the chasm or head back in. She had a job to do after all. Political alliances were not won through babysitting, or well, so one might think. She didn’t think they could be won through thievery and yet she had earned The Forgotten’s assent just so.
There was a sound akin to scratching coming from above her. Pebbles and snow rained down the walls. She looked up just as a figure slipped out of the moonlight and into the shadows. It slid down the rock, claws scrambling for purchase and screeching something she couldn’t quite make out. She gasped as it landed with a heavy thud and an *oof*.
“Are you hurt anywhere?” She asked. She reached out to help but seemed to think better and withdrew it, keeping her distance from the other vayron.
FourDayz Staff Member
Egress Unveiled Event: The Brutes Draw or write your Reosean partaking in a free-for-all trial of combat. Each contestant is tasked with gathering golden rocks, you may be a warrior to fight tooth and nail for your prizes, or maybe you sneakily take a few from another. The winner will be decided by who has the most golden rocks at the end of the timer. Featured Reoseans: Just here for the CP: 3092 Words By FourDayz and Renya06
2024-03-05 01:04:41 (Edited 2024-03-28 18:43:48)
Feature Comment
FourDayz Staff Member
"Ethel. And no need to apologize. I just found your lack of introduction fairly charming." Her smiled faded as she examined the half-melted snow around them. "Better they remain trapezing about the caverns, then. If you are entering the haedian's home land then allow me to take to through the tunnels. Other have lighted the more well tread routes but it's easy to get lost. Maybe you can tell me more about the entity that causes this snow? You seem have more experience with it than I."
2024-03-11 16:18:57
Feature Comment
He frowned, “Pups? No, no there wasn’t anyone up there. The traces in the snow looked fairly faded as well.” He hoped they hadn’t encountered the thing that had made Kino wary. They’d never managed to even see it, but the frozen scapes it left behind always put her in quite a mood. If this lady hadn’t encountered it either, it would seem they had missed it once again. But, speaking of the fair stranger, “I apologize for my rudeness, I was simply worried that you may have met whatever caused this mess.” He gestured to the sparkling icicles slowly dripping onto the cavern ground, “May I ask your name?”
2024-03-11 15:31:39
Feature Comment
FourDayz Staff Member
She blinked then giggle at the quick change in conversation, forgetting her brief shock in seeing him tumbling down a fairly tall rock wall. "Formalities escape you, don't they?" Deciding that the puller called Naros must be fine if he was so willing to conversate she continued. "I am fine but you haven't seen three pups up above?"
2024-03-11 15:08:57
Feature Comment
"Nope, 'm fine." He grunted from where he lay on the floor. Unabashed cackling could be heard filtering through from above, and he got up to glare at it. She could've helped; he *knew* she could've. He looked around, and his jaw dropped, "Woah... You're beautiful!" The stranger's swirly white and blue coat left him breathless, and he couldn't stop staring. He quickly got up and cleared his throat, glad that his pink fur would hide his blush "Huh, yes, Hi! I'm Naros. Are *you* okay? This place isn't natural. "
2024-03-11 02:01:38
Feature Comment
FourDayz Staff Member
Indeed they weren’t the only creatures by the entrance of the crevasse. Another vayron, a runner, stepped out from the shadows of the rocky walls. Moonlight washed over the white on her mane and coat, practically setting her and the surrounding snow aglow. She shouted three names into the night, three reckless pups, only a few years younger than herself, yet she worried for them like a mother for her own kids. Hearing no response, she debated whether she should continue her search outside the chasm or head back in. She had a job to do after all. Political alliances were not won through babysitting, or well, so one might think. She didn’t think they could be won through thievery and yet she had earned The Forgotten’s assent just so. There was a sound akin to scratching coming from above her. Pebbles and snow rained down the walls. She looked up just as a figure slipped out of the moonlight and into the shadows. It slid down the rock, claws scrambling for purchase and screeching something she couldn’t quite make out. She gasped as it landed with a heavy thud and an *oof*. “Are you hurt anywhere?” She asked. She reached out to help but seemed to think better and withdrew it, keeping her distance from the other vayron.
2024-03-11 01:18:12
Feature Comment