Comments on A Little Bit of Mischief in Vitalus - Events

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"Ahh, I'm sorry to say that I don't know much. We-*I*," he could practically hear Kino's chastising at the near slip of revealing her presence, but this lady was making him flustered, okay! "I've never seen the thing for myself. I just know it's bad news. And-" A distinctive laugh cut him off, a predatory snapping of sharp teeth echoing ominously. As the Camo Hunter slunk out of the shadows she'd been merged with, the glow of her crown bathed the area an eerie purple. "Headians, you say? Now that's a word I haven't heard in a long, *long* time." He gaped as she came forward, her diminutive body offset by her impressive presence. Those 'headians' must really be something else if they could get the elusive Kinosa to show herself to a stranger.

2024-03-11 22:06:40