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QueenOfOpals Staff Member

They called themselves haedians, and they seemed to be the missing link between tyrians and vayrons, long forgotten and having lived underground for as long as anyone could remember. The stranger introduced himself as Cailu, and was hesitant to answer too many questions. Apparently they would have to earn the trust of those down here to move forward, as getting answers was a task not easily done. Of course, the mysteries on the surface would naturally be a hard journey, for if they were easily solved, one would suspect they would be fixed already. Flemyng had an itch in the back of his brain, something reminding him of a time when haedians weren't some forgotten memory, but it was repressed, an age old time that was neither here nor there, so he ignored it for now, suspecting that wherever their path may lead, it would have answers for him as well, unlockin his own memories as they found keys throughout the tunnels. The pair were introduced to the concept of the clans, and Cailu served as a sort of guide, showing them the way but otherwise not interfering - the vayrons would have to gain the trust of others on their own after all. Unsure if their location was intended to be closest to the surface, or if the crack in the earth was just coincidence to be nearest, the first clan the males met with were called The Forgotten. Misfits, all of them, banished from the other clans for various reasons, although none were too willing to share why. A glowing eyed female led them, who went by the name of Troall, and her gaze was watchful and curious of the outsiders. Poverty was something the clan was quite familiar with. They played planks and did many things with a light heart to keep the mood upbeat, all while sneaking and stealing to survive. Their caves were barren, crystal clusters being bout the only adornment in the stone, and their platforms were mismatched architechture, showing variances in building materials that indicated that the inhabitants took what they could where they could. While they had no further information, bits of each clan could be represented in the colors and structure of things used to assemble their homes, and anyone who spent enough time among the other clans could likely pin point where certain materials had originated from. The haedians here weren't picky, as they ate what they could, either some fruit grown in another clan, or a skinny cave lizard someone had managed to catch - all was fair game. "Well, we seem to be at a crossroads. Trust won't come easy. What say you? Have your spirits given you any advice in your sleep?" The lacemarked male was more than content letting the other male take the lead, encouraging it even, letting him make his own mark upon the clans. The okapi puller had a unique power, one that might give him more insight than any others who came down here may glean. It was a talent Flemyng was keen to hone while he spent his own time in the recesses of memory lost to the ages.

2024-02-20 05:44:50