Comments on Making History in Vitalus - Events

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QueenOfOpals Staff Member

The sigh from his companion didn't escape notice, but it was to be expected. Molotov seemed a very solidary sort, no matter if Flemyng was familiar or not, he desperatly seemed to prefer the company of those during his nightly dreams. It didn't help that the other male often seemed to think the dragon marked puller was delusional to some extent, but kept the majority of his thoughts to himself - after all, there was no way that all others believed him to speak to the dead - so they were at an impasse. "Molotov. It seems coincidences smile upon us once more." He tilted his head to the crevice, gesturing too with a paw. "Shall we? I'm sure you'll feel better in the stiller air." A smirk graced his features, and he headed in without waiting for his companion, knowing that if the male had come all this way, he wasn't going to stop now. Indeed, Flemyng could almost hear another sigh behind him, the black and orange male clearly taking the shelter the rock provided for his discomfort, even if he did have to put up with the more outgoing vayron. Without the sun, the tunnels beneath sight of the sun were far cooler than outside, but for the two males that oft called Roenden home, it was still warm, pleasantly so, and damp as well - nothing terribly unfamiliar. In fact, it felt almost like a mild summer day in the land they had left. Out of a desire not to drive his companion completely insane, Flemyng kept conversation to a minimum, only making small comments on things from time to time, such as the crystal formations existing even down here, how some seemed to differ from those seen before, or how the tunnels as they grew deeper would twist and turn, splitting at odd junctions, and eventually widen as more ledges and various places to walk could be seen if only the wingless reoseans could fly. It was easy to lose track of time without the guiding cycles of the heavens above, and while they rested and ate rations when their bodies called for it, there was no real way to say how long they had been down in the expanse of the underground. The lacemarked male coudl feelt a smirk gracing his features when they encountered the first intelligant species in some time. "Surface dwellers..." "Well now, it seems things hidden in the shadows of kigdoms have begun to come to light." His voice held hints of trepidation as he whispered, looking to his companion to see how he reacted to such a monumental change to history.

2024-02-11 06:58:52