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The system of caves the Tranquil called home was a jungle compared to the sparse vegetation in the Brutes and the Forgotten caverns. Keeping track of where they were during the tour was quite difficult. Now, Pyrri settled the group down in a sandy area in a large park where the strange trees arched overhead and their glowing fruit dangled above like lanterns, lighting the path. Accompanying them were two more haedians. Pyrri turned to face the group and swept a hand to the two haedians and introduced them. “This is Ion and Jaci, two masters in magic. Ion specializes in the ways of healing and Jaci, in hexes and incantations.” The haedians nodded their heads as their names were mentioned. “We do things quite differently down here than you, I’m sure. This is the perfect opportunity to learn from each other. Jaci and Ion will teach you how we conduct our magic and I’m sure they will treat you well.” “Will you be leaving?” Ethel asked. “There are many things I must attend to as clan leader,” Pyrri explained. “…but I am open to questions.” Pyrri smiled warmly, though she seemed to be looking past her. Ethel was starting to believe the invitation was not meant for her nor Mendras or Naros. Before Ethel could ask, Pyrri swept out of the park, leaving Ion and Jaci to take over. “Well, as Pyrri said, we’ll be showing you the ropes today.” Ion said. He started walking around the edge of the sand pit and gestured to the trees around them. “Just like the surface of Vitalus, everything here is intertwined and connected through the magic that flows through them. It’s even more apparent here, where we are surrounded on all sides by crystals. Magic can become unpredictable for those who aren’t familiar with it. That’s what we will be showing you today.” Jaci sifted through the sand and pulled out a fistful of it. To the three vayrons, it wasn’t much different than any other sand they’ve seen but Jaci explained how even the crystalline sand could conduct magic, using his own to demonstrate and inviting Mendras to experiment with it. “How does this affect mutations?” Ethel asked. She and Ion stood off to the side while Mendras practiced conducting his magic. Jaci was trying and failing to convince Naros of the latent magic ability he was sure he felt in the pink puller. Naros kept on shrugging. “How do you mean?” Jaci responded. “With so much magic everywhere, mutated reoseans must have a harder time managing their growths, and it must be quite painful as well…” Ethel tried to explain. “Ah! Indeed it is quite the hassle for the very few that are here. It takes much practice and patience but they can exist peacefully. Even the corrupted can find ways to wield their magic as easily as any one of us.” “Really? Can you show me?” “It’s… quite the process, to say the least. Every reosean is different, so too are their mutations. What works for one may negatively affect another” Jaci explained. “Do you have someone in need of our assistance? It would be much easier to have them visit us themselves. We welcome all.” “I have a few someones in mind, actually.” Ethel smiled apologetically. “It would be a hassle to bring them all down. Please, teach me all you know. If it’s for them, I will learn it all.” Jaci sighed. “Well as long as you’re in no rush and have the desire to learn.” He flicked his tail at a passing haedian and bowed his head to them. The other haedian bowed back. “This is Ryl. She will take you to someone who will be more than happy to teach everything he knows. He’s quite excitable. I’m sure the two of you will get along.” “Oh, thank you so much!” Ethel said with a bow and let the haedian lead the way. Mendras was suddenly standing and walking by her side. “My la- uh, are we leaving?” He asked Ethel. Ethel waved her tail for him to relax. “No, just me. Take my place here and learn all you can.” She gave him a stern look, one that made him straighten his back. She wanted him here. “Yes, ma’am.” He said and turned back to Ion who was looking like he was finally conceding to Naros.

2024-04-28 17:35:29