Comments on A Lesson in Balance in Vitalus - Events

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Renya Avatar

Naros gulped at the mention of a fourth but was glad the subject was dropped in favor of tending to the still-writhing Brute. Although, now that he looked closer, he seemed to be in progressively less pain since the lead headian -Pyrri- had given him that small something to eat.

She instructed her troops, and they quickly and efficiently got to work. Naros followed the group with Ethel and Mendras as they laid the stretcher down in a somewhat secluded alcove filled to the brim with bottles and tools of all kinds, a visual mess of colors and shapes that left Naros a tad overwhelmed. He stayed rather awkwardly to the side, the sight of the bloody foot never failing to turn his stomach. Instead, he approached one of the other just as colorful headian busy organizing the stocks and asked if he could help and if they were willing to explain a thing or two about what they were doing.

Maybe -probably- he'd never be a healer, but having a basic knowledge of herbs and remedies couldn't hurt. The little he knew from the surface wouldn't be of any use down here, and considering his propensity for cuts and scrapes, he figured this would be a good experience.

The headian joyfully introduced himself, claiming that he was always happy to train visitors, "Medecine shouln't be kept a secret," he said as he took a bottle full of clear golden liquid and offered it to Naros so he could get a closer look, "We don't want to hoard our knowledge and risk it being lost to time. We have a duty to share what we know and help people stand on their own!"


The Tranquil's leader was standing on the side, overseeing the procedures. That was normal -expected even-, what wasn't was the fact that she was looking right at her.

Kinosa was hidden as well as ever, so how? 'That's new.' she thought. She didn't remember headians possessing such a skill.

Deciding that she'd recovered enough for a small jump, she let herself get swallowed by her shadow and emerged back out behind Pyrri. "How did you know where I was?" she demanded, a bit on edge for being visible with so many strangers nearby, but confident that she could run if need be... And, she added with a mental eye roll, maybe come back for Whirl.
The pink headian chuckled softly, confidently keeping her gaze ahead as if she felt no need to look back at the chaser. "My, my, you're pretty straightforward, aren't you?" Kinosa bristled at the tone, but Pyrri continued before she could take offence, "I may be a better sensor than most, but I'm sure many of mine have felt you as well. It's a power we of The Tranquil have honed for the good of others." she finally turned her head to address the vayron, "But before we continue with the history lesson, may I know with whom I have the honor of speaking?"

This time the chaser did roll her eyes at the formality, but she needed the answer to her question, so after a second of deliberation, she ultimately chose to comply, "Kinosa." She said curtly, "I heard your introduction, so there's no need to repeat yourself. Now tell me, how did you sense me?"

Pyrri blinked at the name but didn't comment. The little chaser's attitude also left a lot to be desired, but she was friends with Zarod, -no matter what the other headian had to say about it-, so lack of manners and short tempers were her bread and butter. "Living underground limits some senses, so we developed others. Being able to know where people are became extremely helpful, especially during cave-ins, or when locating lost souls."

"That doesn't tell me how you did it!" Kinosa interrupted, fervently ignoring the curious looks that were sent her way.

Pyrri thought for a moment, then lowered herself so they were at eye level. "Would you like me to teach you?" she said, a conspiratory glint in her kind eyes.

"...Yes. Teach me."

2024-04-28 15:35:48