Submission (#9994) Approved

28 November 2023, 05:16:11 UTC (9 months ago)
1 December 2023, 05:28:08 UTC (9 months ago) by JanariusARPGs

Image Update: N/A

-Update personality. Please center, hyperlink "Ripley" in last paragraph to link to and hyperlink "Unedited Import" to link

Draugr is a quiet creature and not one for many words. Those she does speak are often broken and unclear. Her native language is a dead one that only historians and researchers even have a clue of what she is saying means.

Draugr has little memory of her past, what she does know comes in bits and pieces. She was woken from the sarcophagus she was entombed in when a research expidedtion broke the wards on the lid of eternal ice that held her. She understood not a word of the modern language, and needed time to learn how much had changed. At best guess, she lived her first life nearly two thousand years ago, but what she remembers and communicates is unreliable for an accurate timeline.

With a large sword that can animate itself at a word to fight at her side, and volatile elemental magic that she summons with loud sounds and yells in spellcasting manner not seen in centuries, Draugr is a force to be reckoned with. She leans into her more spooky appearance, her garb, markings, and overall gaunt appearance often leading to ghost stories wherever her paws take her.

Since waking up, she finds it hard to stay in one place and travels the land. She often is accompanied by the adventuerer and scholar Ripley, who assists her in learning the modern tongue and customs as he was one of the few on the original team that found her that could understand some of her speech. While there is no romantic interest, she finds him a comfort in this strange world.

​Unedited Import

-Update skill descriptions
- Forager: Gives 1 additional item while Questing from the same Quest Lootpool
- Scavenger: Gives 1 additional item while Hunting from the same Type Lootpool

Previous Correction: N/A

Items: N/A

Loot Tables Rolled

Loot Table Reward Amount