Submission (#745) Approved

27 January 2023, 14:03:31 UTC (1 year ago)
3 February 2023, 00:00:41 UTC (1 year ago) by Kelyias
Image Update: N/A
Wipe and update Name: Graz'zt
Wipe and update Nicknames: Graz. Prince of Pleasure
Wipe and update Personality (and center too please!):
Self-Indulgent | Corrupt | Wicked | Perverse | Seductive | Cunning | Sly | Mischief Maker

Growing up, Graz'zt, was an inquisitive child, playful and energetic. At the time, he had another name, one lost to time. He enjoyed the soft things in life, and his mother spoiled him dearly.

Alas, all good things tend to come to an end. Sheltered from the harsh realities of the world, his mind was shattered when his mother was found murdered in their home when he came back from a day of play. As he stood there in shock, shaking from head to toe, he heard a voice in his mind promising to make things right. He never questioned that perhaps the voice had any ill intent, or perhaps had set this up to get its claws on an innocent soul.

He just accepted the hand that reached out to him, hoping it was in good faith.

It wasn't.

From that day forward, Graz'zt was born, as the demon he made a pact with slowly took him over, hell bent on furthering goals of self-indulgence and ruling by force, removing love and kindness from any equation. With a hide that shined like his ambition, the demon in puller guise found himself exploring the world and leaving his mark as time went on. Not all things that were beautiful were good, and he was fond of reminding people of that very fact. The world was his playground now, and those in it were mere things for his enjoyment.
Previous Correction: N/A
Items: N/A