Comments on A Little Bit of Mischief in Vitalus - Events

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Naros looked nervously at the brawl, "Humm, yes, of course?" He was still trying to grasp what was happening when the headian -the Ref?- came back and silently thrusted him a pawful of gold. He did the same with Mendras, before slicking back to his perch to watch the match. The second they were handed the shiny nuggets, eyes turned to them. They were targets now. Zarod gave a hearty laugh as she attempted to shove Naros aside. He squeaked as he lost his balance, and most of his spoils went sailing every which way. He managed to keep hold of a few, and by the suspicious lack of clatter by his paws, he figured someone else had also managed to nab a few for her collection. That girl wasn't a chaser; she was a *magpie*, and shiny things would always be her weakness. Clutching his remaining gold, he maneuvered himself out of the way and lost sight of Mendras in the crowd after watching the other vay avoid Zarod's follow-up shove with more agility than he did. Naros' golden markings meant his attempt at being inconspicuous and observing the situation from afar was bound to fail. And fail it did. Wings spread as headians set their sights on the puller. The second he was out of Zarod's reach, they launched themselves at him. As luck would have it, they ended up getting tangled in the process, and crashed unceremoniously to the ground. Naros remained safe and sound beside the angry, screeching pile of limbs. He blinked owlishly at the weird turn of events while more dropped nuggets disappeared in the shadows.

2024-03-21 15:21:22