There was some cheering and angry shouts from the crowd. The bulky haedian carefully arranged her golden stones, then looked down at Naros.
"Oi, Topsider! If you're gonna compete, get in the circle already!" She grabbed Naros's tail and easily pulled him into the circle. "We ain't waitin' all day for you to pick your nose off the floor. Ref! Get 'im some rocks!"
Mendras rushed forward to cut in. "Now, hold on a minute! I don't think he meant to enter your, uh..." Mendras looked around. Another haedian across from them was slinking off into the crowd with a large frown on his face. "Is this a competition?"
"Yeah. You joining too? Ref!" The bulky haedian turned to another, who was just setting up a pile of gold stones. He looked up in annoyance. "Another set for the skinny one here!"
Mendras could hear Ethel giggling behind him. "Wait, I'm not joining either!"
"Zarod, come on I was next!" Another haedian emerged from the crowd.
"You'll get your turn Rachet!" Zarod said and waved her paw dismissively. She leaned down and brought her face close to the three vayrons and the unusually dark shadow. "I wanna test these topsiders first. Hope you got more spunk than the last few."
FourDayz Staff Member
There was some cheering and angry shouts from the crowd. The bulky haedian carefully arranged her golden stones, then looked down at Naros. "Oi, Topsider! If you're gonna compete, get in the circle already!" She grabbed Naros's tail and easily pulled him into the circle. "We ain't waitin' all day for you to pick your nose off the floor. Ref! Get 'im some rocks!" Mendras rushed forward to cut in. "Now, hold on a minute! I don't think he meant to enter your, uh..." Mendras looked around. Another haedian across from them was slinking off into the crowd with a large frown on his face. "Is this a competition?" "Yeah. You joining too? Ref!" The bulky haedian turned to another, who was just setting up a pile of gold stones. He looked up in annoyance. "Another set for the skinny one here!" Mendras could hear Ethel giggling behind him. "Wait, I'm not joining either!" "Zarod, come on I was next!" Another haedian emerged from the crowd. "You'll get your turn Rachet!" Zarod said and waved her paw dismissively. She leaned down and brought her face close to the three vayrons and the unusually dark shadow. "I wanna test these topsiders first. Hope you got more spunk than the last few."
2024-03-19 19:18:02
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