“Is there anything we can do?” Ethel asked after Cailu’s extremely brief explanation.
“Yes, yes! Come. I will put you to work immediately.” Cailu began leading them to their new worksite. Every creature of every species rushed all around them. Tyrians and winged humanoids flitted around the caverns carrying building materials and supplies on their backs. Runners sprinted up and down the halls with messages in their jaws and as the drew closer to the Matriach’s cavern, carts filled with fractured crystals passed them. Operations were already on the way.
The rumbling started again but this time they were standing in front of the Matriarch’s cavern. The sound was so loud Cailu was nearly shouting to be heard. “You’re going to be doing a lot of lifting so take your time and mind your backs! We don’t have enough earmuffs to go around at the moment so just bear with the noise for now. The process is unfortunately very painful for her. Oh, and keep your ears open in case someone’s calling for you!”
He handed a harness to each one of them and once they were strapped up tight, they stepped inside. Scaffolding was scattered around the Matriarch and people worked tirelessly to hack away at the wall of crystal. There was so much to get through, the task looked nearly impossible. Cailu lead them to the side where a set of stairs led them to the cavern’s bottom floor. There were the carts they had passed by. Cailu stopped here and the Matriarch’s pained cries died down, finally giving their ears a break.
“You can either mine or help keep the work area clear of crystals. Both sides are in need of extra paws. It’s up to you.”
Mendras had already made up his mind. He knew next to nothing about mining and would likely cause the Matriarch more pain but what of Ethel? There must be something she could do—
“I’ll haul.” Ethel said, interrupting his thoughts. Mendras opened his mouth and earned a sharp look from Ethel. He continued anyway.
“Not to be rude but, those carts look heavier than you!”
“I don’t need to only pull carts to help.” She said with an eyeroll. “I’m sure there are other tasks.”
“Indeed there are.” Cailu chuckled. “Those carts will need someone to make sure the crystals don’t fall on their journey out. And you Naros? Have you decided?”
FourDayz Staff Member
“Is there anything we can do?” Ethel asked after Cailu’s extremely brief explanation. “Yes, yes! Come. I will put you to work immediately.” Cailu began leading them to their new worksite. Every creature of every species rushed all around them. Tyrians and winged humanoids flitted around the caverns carrying building materials and supplies on their backs. Runners sprinted up and down the halls with messages in their jaws and as the drew closer to the Matriach’s cavern, carts filled with fractured crystals passed them. Operations were already on the way. The rumbling started again but this time they were standing in front of the Matriarch’s cavern. The sound was so loud Cailu was nearly shouting to be heard. “You’re going to be doing a lot of lifting so take your time and mind your backs! We don’t have enough earmuffs to go around at the moment so just bear with the noise for now. The process is unfortunately very painful for her. Oh, and keep your ears open in case someone’s calling for you!” He handed a harness to each one of them and once they were strapped up tight, they stepped inside. Scaffolding was scattered around the Matriarch and people worked tirelessly to hack away at the wall of crystal. There was so much to get through, the task looked nearly impossible. Cailu lead them to the side where a set of stairs led them to the cavern’s bottom floor. There were the carts they had passed by. Cailu stopped here and the Matriarch’s pained cries died down, finally giving their ears a break. “You can either mine or help keep the work area clear of crystals. Both sides are in need of extra paws. It’s up to you.” Mendras had already made up his mind. He knew next to nothing about mining and would likely cause the Matriarch more pain but what of Ethel? There must be something she could do— “I’ll haul.” Ethel said, interrupting his thoughts. Mendras opened his mouth and earned a sharp look from Ethel. He continued anyway. “Not to be rude but, those carts look heavier than you!” “I don’t need to only pull carts to help.” She said with an eyeroll. “I’m sure there are other tasks.” “Indeed there are.” Cailu chuckled. “Those carts will need someone to make sure the crystals don’t fall on their journey out. And you Naros? Have you decided?”
2025-03-06 14:35:35
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