With a final glance at the -literal- fuming horde, he set off after the speeding runner. He doubted they would be pursued; these creatures were most likely defending their home and wouldn't give chase beyond ensuring that the two of them had well and truly left the premises.
He smirked to himself as the smaller runner was putting on quite the show of speed. *'Let him run'*, he thought. The Frost Devil had nothing to prove. He followed at a fast but maintainable pace, letting his nose guide him to Somos and the exit.
With a final glance at the -literal- fuming horde, he set off after the speeding runner. He doubted they would be pursued; these creatures were most likely defending their home and wouldn't give chase beyond ensuring that the two of them had well and truly left the premises. He smirked to himself as the smaller runner was putting on quite the show of speed. *'Let him run'*, he thought. The Frost Devil had nothing to prove. He followed at a fast but maintainable pace, letting his nose guide him to Somos and the exit.
2024-02-26 12:34:18
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