Somos blinked in shock when Frosty dodged his blow. Now that the was runner conscious, Somos felt strange. His heart hammered, claws extended, muscles would up tight, ready pounce, but here was nothing to direct his energy at.
“You two surface dwellers are not welcome here!” A haedian burst forth from the angry crowd Somos was only just beginning to take notice of. Other haedians began to voice their opinions of them. A few objects were tossed in their direction.
“I hope you got a little left in you to run.” Somos crouched, readying himself for whatever might happen next.
FourDayz Staff Member
Somos blinked in shock when Frosty dodged his blow. Now that the was runner conscious, Somos felt strange. His heart hammered, claws extended, muscles would up tight, ready pounce, but here was nothing to direct his energy at. “You two surface dwellers are not welcome here!” A haedian burst forth from the angry crowd Somos was only just beginning to take notice of. Other haedians began to voice their opinions of them. A few objects were tossed in their direction. “I hope you got a little left in you to run.” Somos crouched, readying himself for whatever might happen next.
2024-02-23 17:54:16
Feature Comment