Comments on Turbulence in Vitalus - Events

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But he had heard enough whining from this other clan. The storm was advancing and no amount of bargaining was going to get Frosty to reign himself in. Somos jumped forward, knocking a couple of the haedians over, telling them to stick it where the sun don’t shine instead of apologizing. He heard a quite a few gasps and could help but chuckle. He aimed straight for the centre of the storm. The plan? Tackled the blue bastard to the floor. After that? Run. There was no way they were going to stick around to clean up this mess, not that there was much that the could do. He was pretty sure he severed the last few ties with the vulgar words he used. No, he was no diplomat.

2024-02-22 05:17:38 (Edited 2024-02-22 05:18:30)