The ferocity in his voice must have been what did it. Troall snapped out of the trance and rushed to help the last few then turned to him.
“I can stop it!” Somos shouted with a firm nod. He couldn’t hear the call yet but he didn’t have much time. He wasn’t sure if he could resist it as he did before. He would try anyways.
She must have seen the uncertainty in his face. With one “paw”, she grabbed him by the straps running across his chest and shoulders. The other reached up and grabbed another “paw” reaching down from the darkness to pull them up.
“Hey! No! Let me go!” There wasn’t much he could do. The cold sapped his strength and halted most of his movements. He could only watch as the storm claimed the last cave dweller. It continued to expand seeking more victims to embrace. At its centre, a pair sightless blue eyes watched him go.
FourDayz Staff Member
The ferocity in his voice must have been what did it. Troall snapped out of the trance and rushed to help the last few then turned to him. “I can stop it!” Somos shouted with a firm nod. He couldn’t hear the call yet but he didn’t have much time. He wasn’t sure if he could resist it as he did before. He would try anyways. She must have seen the uncertainty in his face. With one “paw”, she grabbed him by the straps running across his chest and shoulders. The other reached up and grabbed another “paw” reaching down from the darkness to pull them up. “Hey! No! Let me go!” There wasn’t much he could do. The cold sapped his strength and halted most of his movements. He could only watch as the storm claimed the last cave dweller. It continued to expand seeking more victims to embrace. At its centre, a pair sightless blue eyes watched him go.
2024-02-16 20:17:05
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