Comments on Back at it Again in Vitalus - Events

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He eyed the two fighters that were nearing his position, calculating his next move. If brute force wouldn't work- he let the frost he'd been building up onto the cave floor, making it as slippery as a lake in winter. Their agility was commendable, but without solid ground to stand on, they slipped and tripped. Easy prey for the grinning Frost Devil as he exhaled gusts of bitterly cold air that froze his victims on the spot. Ice began creeping up their legs until they were encased in solid blocks. His power's lure was starting to rear its ugly head, and he could feel the numbness creeping along the edges of his thought. Not now! He wrestled control back long enough to send another wave of frosted air toward the rest of their attackers, narrowly avoiding hitting Somos as well. With the ground frozen beneath their paws, his 'ally' should be able to dispatch them without issue. He hoped so at least, as he stopped his onslaught and used all of his concentration on not losing control.

2024-02-16 15:47:40