Comments on NamesisWolf - Quilo 14004 in [THE ORDER] CONFRONT THE HARBINGER

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Alliion's Avatar
Alliion Staff Member

Shira growls and picks up her weapon… this battle may not go your way but you must fight for your resolve.

Shira stands with a Crystalline Defense Weapon!

Quilo looks great to brawl!

2024-08-28 23:50:37

Toomsy's Avatar
Toomsy Staff Member

"Blood coats your tongue as your face is pressed into the stone floor, shards of rock and crystal laying amiss from your battle. Shira's paw rests on your neck, her breath hot in your ear. ""Vile creature. You expect an audience with her? you?"" She scoffs, disgust in her voice. ""Never."" she spits, and shoves away from you. ""Escort our guest ou--"" ""Be calm,"" a voice interrupts, and your eyes are drawn to an exit other than the one you came through; presumably the one that would have let you move forward to whoever the 'her' is that Shira mentioned. A mysterious presence stands there, draped in glistening gold fabric. Two more Haedians flank her, their faces concealed by opaque veils similar to their leader's, leaving their features indiscernible. ""Loss or no, the proving is completed. Come, child."" Shira hisses in protest, but it seems there is little she can do against the authority that rolls off of this newcomer in waves. Quickly, you rise to follow her from the cavern. Your journey is halted, dismay heavy in the dark cave. You have completed the Order's storyline in full with a bad ending!" ![Bad Ending]( Please use this thread as your proof of storyline completion + badge!

2024-09-24 20:46:41

Toomsy's Avatar
Toomsy Staff Member

[Quilo]( Stats: ||| HP 45 || ATK 10 || MAG 9 || SPE 13 || ARM 25 ||| Shira Stats: ||| HP 34 || ATK 16 || MAG 2 || SPE 10 || ARM 30 ||| – **Cooldowns:** Shira - Crystalline Form (2/3 Turns) **Existing Buffs:** Shira - Crystal Strength (Attack) – ***ROUND (8/10)*** ***Initiative!*** Shira is going first – **Shira** Shira uses Crystalline Strength! They attempt to hit Quilo! A hit! They deal 16 Damage. [16 Damage total] – Quilo HP: 0/45 Shira HP: 7/34 – Shira Succeed in the Encounter! ![DefeatBanner]( Quilo was defeated by the Harbinger Shira during the ‘24 Storyline Event. They dealt 27 damage.

2024-09-24 20:39:23

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2024-09-24 20:35:23 (Deleted 2024-09-24 20:39:07)

NamesisWolf's Avatar
NamesisWolf Staff Member


2024-09-19 04:49:42

Alliion's Avatar
Alliion Staff Member

[Quilo]( Stats: ||| HP 45 || ATK 10 || MAG 9 || SPE 13 || ARM 25 ||| Shira Stats: ||| HP 34 || ATK 16 || MAG 2 || SPE 10 || ARM 30 ||| – **Cooldowns:** Shira - Crystalline Form (3/3 Turns) **Existing Buffs:** Shira - Crystal Strength (Defense) – **Round (7/10)** **Turn Order:** Shira goes first **SHIRA** Shira uses Crystal Strength - Attack! They attempt to hit Quilo! A critical Hit! They deal 30 Damage. [30 Damage total] **QUILO** Quilo attacks with their weapon! They attempt to hit Shira! A miss! – Quilo HP: 15/45 Shira HP: 7/34 – **Quilo's turn! What would they like to do?** ATTACK WITH WEAPON USE ABILITY USE ITEM SURRENDER

2024-09-19 03:53:18