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Maybe she'd be a natural, Kinosa thought as Pyrri began her explanations. ... She wasn't a natural. Then again, it *had* always taken her an inordinate amount of time to learn anything, so she really should have known better than to hope for a quick study. No matter, she could be patient. If she felt like it. - An unexpected wave of calm washed over Naros, its pulse washing over him like the tides over jagged rocks, softening sharp edges until only smooth stone remained. Judging by the relaxed faces around him, the puller figured it might not just be a spontaneous case of self-enlightenment. "What's happening?" he asked the closest headian. "Ah, it would seem Mistress Pyrri's doing a guided meditation," they looked thoughtful, "We didn't have one planned today, but you can all participate if you want!" "And humm, how might one 'participate' in such a thing?" Naros had never meditated a second in his life, and while the concept wasn't new to him, its execution certainly was. "It might be easier for you if you sit or lie down. Then you'll want to focus on your breathing, slow and steady, follow the Mistress' tempo as best you can." Naros sat down and did his best to follow the instructions, looking up at where the Tranquil's leader seemed to be talking to herself. "And? what happens now?" "Now, let your mind wander, relax, and let the flow guide you. Everyone's experience is different, so there's no pressure—just enjoy the moment!" they said as they settled themselves down with a satisfied smile. - "Others have joined in. Do try to feel them. It should be easier when we're all connected like this." the headian said, and yet the darkness behind Kinosa's eyelids refused to yield anything, as inhospitable and empty as ever. There was nothing, nothing, nothing... And then, like a lone firefly lost in a sea of night, the tiniest hint of something foreign. Something not *hers*. A wisp of warmth, unwanted and yet intimately familiar. A kindness she didn't deserve. A presence that would be lost to time the way she'd never be, a painful loss she desperately wanted to save herself from. *Whirl* She opened her eyes, looking at where the feeling was coming from and sure enough, there he was. He looked ridiculous, face scrunched up in concentration, tongue poking out the side of his mouth. Pyrri rumbled beside her, "Feel anything?" "...Only one." "That's a good start. It's usually easier with people you know, people you're close to." "We aren't close. He just won't leave me alone." "Be that as it may," the headian said, exuding skepticism through every pore, "there is a connection there, or it wouldn't have worked." Kinosa limited her answer to a haughty scoff. "Keep your opinions. Let me try this again." She closed her eyes once more, heart safely shuttered and mind attentive.

2024-05-14 14:41:22