“Congratulations on your victory!” Ethel said. She limped over while leaning on Mendras for support. Her normally combed hair was disheveled and coloured orange with sand. Her hide caked with dirt. She looked very tired but kept her head up. “Looks like we both earned our victories and the clan’s respect. I’m sorry I couldn’t watch.”
The arena was beginning to clear out and the remaining haedians were looking for injuries to treat. Leaving Zarod and the vayrons and the centre.
Zarod nodded her head. “Its an honour knowing there are warriors among your kind.” She said. “I was just telling your friends about a pair of idiots who assaulted some of my clan and ran like cowards.” Again the smoke poured forth from her lips.
“Oh my! I’m sorry to hear of such a transgression. Is there anything we can do to help?” Ethel asked.
Zarod shook her head. “I sent a group out to find and capture them. I should see if there is any news.”
FourDayz Staff Member
“Congratulations on your victory!” Ethel said. She limped over while leaning on Mendras for support. Her normally combed hair was disheveled and coloured orange with sand. Her hide caked with dirt. She looked very tired but kept her head up. “Looks like we both earned our victories and the clan’s respect. I’m sorry I couldn’t watch.” The arena was beginning to clear out and the remaining haedians were looking for injuries to treat. Leaving Zarod and the vayrons and the centre. Zarod nodded her head. “Its an honour knowing there are warriors among your kind.” She said. “I was just telling your friends about a pair of idiots who assaulted some of my clan and ran like cowards.” Again the smoke poured forth from her lips. “Oh my! I’m sorry to hear of such a transgression. Is there anything we can do to help?” Ethel asked. Zarod shook her head. “I sent a group out to find and capture them. I should see if there is any news.”
2024-04-08 18:38:28 (Edited 2024-04-12 12:33:08)
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