<a href="https://wor-keeper.com/world/items?name=DNA Solvent" class="display-item">DNA Solvent</a>

DNA Solvent

Category: Geno Use

Artist: Kelyias

Resale Value: 20000 Krones

Item name: DNA Solvent
Ever wish you were bulkier? Thinner? Shorter or Taller? Or perhaps, even able to fly? Step into my lab and have a taste of this... - Orpheus

How to Use: 
- [Functional Item] Changes a Reosean's Sub-Species or Species from one, to another, as long as the parents were able to produce this as a result. Example: The geno is a Runner from an Empyrian x Runner litter, meaning it could only be Empyrian or Runner. This solvent will change it into an Empyrian.