Submission (#9936) Approved

25 November 2023, 17:09:58 UTC (11 months ago)
28 November 2023, 21:59:20 UTC (10 months ago) by Skulldog
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Current Class: Escort
Next Desired Class: Sailor
Prompt: The seas sometimes call to reoseans, the high adventure and the deep depths and unknown skies are something they cannot ignore. Learning to man the ropes and swab the decks and fight rather large squids and sometimes other ships. Those that manage to stay alive long enough to take command of their own ship earn the specialist: Privateer.
Prompt:- Draw or write your Reosean working on board a ship. Do they man the cannons or swing from the lines? Maybe they handle the cooking or are the second mate, standing beside the captain?

Correction: n/a

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