Submission (#26573) Approved

7 December 2024, 20:11:45 UTC (1 month ago)
11 December 2024, 18:53:37 UTC (1 month ago) by Kelyias
Link to the Items:
The items you're storing: Claiming a won Semi from the raffle.

Updating Info:

Name: Calla Lily
Nickname/s: Cally, Cee
ID: 16570
Owner: <a href="" class="display-user" style="color: #EF70BE;"><i class="fas fa-user mr-1" style="opacity: 50%;"></i>Skulldog</a>
Sex: Male
Age: Young adult
Size: 150 cm in Height, 20 ft in Wingspan
Species: Tyrian
Type: Haedian
Fur: Lisse
- Long Ears
- Frilled Tail
- Round Eyes
Genotype: Sca+nSot/nTs/Du/nPn/nBe/nMel/Gl-Tur
Phenotype: Sooty Dusted Bleached Scarlet with Tanspots Pangare Melanism and Turquoise Glint

Purity Trials: Unfinished
Training: Unfinished
Magic: Enchanted
Low Class: Leave Empty
-ICQ: Unfinished
High Class: Leave empty

Citizenship: Vitalus
Political Status: Citizen

Personality: A budding young Druid ready to take on the training to make it into ranks of the high leaders and overseers of the scared tree despite his age. While he may seem outwardly scattered and nervous at times, he learns quickly and can sort complex tasks with laser focus. Is most at home lying in fields of flowers, listening to the songs of birds in the underground.

------------------------------------------ GGR1: Unknown
----------------- GR1: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GGR2: Unknown
Reosean 1: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GGR3: Unknown
----------------- GR2: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GGR4: Unknown

------------------------------------------ GGR5: Unknown
----------------- GR3: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GGR6: Unknown
Reosean 2: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GGR7: Unknown
----------------- GR4: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GGR8: Unknown

Design by: Alliion

Loot Tables Rolled

Loot Table Reward Amount