Submission (#22317) Approved

Gallery Submission
21 October 2024, 05:43:01 UTC (4 months ago)
25 October 2024, 11:04:10 UTC (4 months ago) by FourDayz
Clan: Druids
Prompts: The Lovers of the Grove, known as the Druids, are a reclusive forest clan with an unparalleled understanding of the natural world. They have a deep respect for the delicate ecosystem of the forest and are hesitant to share their supplies with other clans who do not show the same level of respect. Over time, this has caused them to distance themselves from the other clans.

Their leader and higher-ups possess mentalist magic that allows them to communicate with plants and animals, gaining a general understanding of their emotions and needs, and as such, forming deep connections with them.

Draw or write your Reosean attempting to make peace with the Druids by connecting with like interests. You could tend to plants, maybe assist an injured animal, or keep away any pest that might try and harm the innocent life that grows amongst the Druid.

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