Submission (#17616) Approved

21 June 2024, 21:22:50 UTC (4 months ago)
24 June 2024, 14:24:12 UTC (4 months ago) by Leoclare
Clan: The Watchers
Prompt Used: Oh no! You nodded off at some point in the night, and someone - a Watcher that was sent to test your vigilance - snuck through! You descend from your vantage point to find yourself face to face with Saikaam, the leader of the Watchers, and the sly Watcher who slipped through your watchful gaze. "You disappoint us, my child. Our watch is no light matter, especially in current times when trouble brews from within our fellow clans," she says, and the acolyte by her side has the nerve to smirk.
Draw or write your Reosean's reaction to this scene. Will they take Saikaam's chastising with grace, or does the acolyte's sneering get to them and cause them to do something they may regret?
Relevant Skills: Party Animal

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