Submission (#17287) Approved

11 June 2024, 03:45:01 UTC (4 months ago)
12 June 2024, 16:28:25 UTC (4 months ago) by Leoclare
Clan: The Watchers
Prompt Used: The stars painted on the cavern walls are your silent companions as you sit at the vantage point, eyes ever scanning the perimiter you've been assigned. Your breaths are barely audible, but your mind is vigilant, fully aware of the gravity of your task. Several hours into your vigil, your eyes catch movement; a watcher in black garb skulking about the wall, looking for a point of entry. Draw or write your Reosean's response to this intrusion. Will they skillfully subdue the intruder with quiet efficiency, or does the situation escalate into a full blown brawl?
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