Submission (#1435) Approved

11 February 2023, 21:46:31 UTC (2 years ago)
20 February 2023, 06:41:11 UTC (2 years ago) by Gypsy-Fate
Image Update: N/A
Update: Please update both height and personality! Please link Bellona 15531 in her personality:
Height: 190cm
Personality: Strong and steadfast, Ragna holds her own in the wastelands of Thedale. Being abandoned at a young age due to her marked mutation, she has learned to live on her own and be independent. Though polite and patient for the most part, she stands firm in her beliefs and isn't one to back down from conflict when it arises. She is a skilled fighter and able to take hits like a champ leading to her being more of a tank then a damage dealer. After a fateful meeting with her partner Bellona 15531, she has softened up quite a bit and is more willing to socialize with Bellona by her side. She is extremely protective of Bellona and if asked she would gladly lay down her life if it meant saving her. Ragna has become a caretaker of both her partner and the desolate wasteland the two call home.
Previous Correction: N/A
Items: N/A