Submission (#13748) Approved

16 March 2024, 14:35:15 UTC (7 months ago)
20 March 2024, 15:43:42 UTC (7 months ago) by NamesisWolf
Link to Hunting Entry:
Link to Import and #:
Prey Type and Size: Mammal - Legendary (Zataro)
Training Stage Number: Rank 3
Additional Bonuses:
- Black Beetle
- Snowy Owlcat
- Hunter's Ale
- Paramount
- Other Member's Reosean (

Loot Tables Rolled

Loot Table Reward Amount
Additional Hunting Loot Reptile Hide 1
Additional Hunting Loot Tortoise Shell - Desert 1
Additional Hunting Loot Raw Meat - Medium 1
Additional Hunting Loot Raw Meat - Large 1
Additional Hunting Loot Fox Pelt - Grey 1
Additional Hunting Loot Raw Meat - Small 1
Zataro Loot Zataro Scales 1
Large Mammal Loot Heavy Fur 1
Large Mammal Loot Fleece 1
Large Mammal Loot Antlers 1
Large Mammal Loot Claws 1

These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Hunter’s Ale Hunter’s Ale Bank Doc Transfer! N/A 1