In Events ・ By LumosElm
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Xayah's new, potentially temporary role in the Druids clan was established. Each day, she was guided to the Oracle to tend to the ancient tree and the area around it, the vayron finding a routine of her own to stick to so the time didn't drag by too terribly. Not that it truly drug on at all, if she were honest. The gravity and honor behind being able to tend to the Oracle was not lost on her at all. It was a vital part of the Druids and their culture, where only specific members of the clan itself were allowed to be present without an escort. To be bored or irritated at all during any of this would be an insult to the hospitality and trust being extended to her.

Not only that, but... it was peaceful. Relaxing, even. Despite the way the Druids didn't like outsiders that much, she didn't feel unwelcome at all. Especially not in the Oracle's grove. There were one or two who side-eyed her still, but there wasn't any open hostility that she could see. They didn't interfere with her while she worked on the tree, and some even offered her advice or conversation to break up the constant silence. A peaceful silence, but a silence nonetheless. 

Xayah had even taken to bringing a journal with her, one gifted to her by one of the Druids when the noticed her looking over the runes upon the Oracle for the umpteenth time. Something the vayron was thankful for, as it let her write down all the runes she could see. To document any of the changes that they may have, or that the Oracle itself seemed to have as well. The journal was bound with a soft leather and embossed with symbols and patterns unique to the Druids, which she also made note of. Anything she could write down to read over later, she did. Every scrap of information she could read or be told, she was writing down.

It was something that had garnered the curiosity of one of the others in the Oracle's grove, Estelle, and a new friendship of sorts was forged between her and Xayah. She was curious about the topside, and Xayah was curious about the clans. Something Estelle didn't spill a whole lot of information on in regards to the ones Xayah hadn't met yet, but she still gave the names of a few. Even gave more insight about the dynamics between the Druids and the other clans, and why exactly they weren't keen on helping them extensively.

All very fascinating.

Once again, Xayah was returning to the Oracle with her bag around her neck holding her journal and the few needed tools she used to make her task easier. The vayron said quiet greetings to those she passed as Estelle led her into the grove, the other haedians returning her greetings with either inclines of their heads or greetings of their own. Xayah hadn't seen much of Auris since he first brought her to the Oracle, but she'd spotted him occasionally. Usually working or helping the other Druids with their tasks. Xayah took his lack of checking in on her as a good thing. A positive sign for how she was doing. 

"Cailu hasn't mentioned when we will be leaving," Xayah mused quietly to Estelle before the pair split to go about their separate duties. "Have you heard anything at all?"

"I haven't," Estelle told her, shaking her head even before giving the smaller vayron an apologetic look. "I would've told you first if I had heard anything. Others are wondering how long you all will be here, and what Auris is doing by allowing you all to stay. Not in a bad way, of course! They're just... confused, I think. If I hear anything, I'll find you."

The lack of any news at all made Xayah feel... uncertain, but she thanked Estelle anyways before going the rest of the way to the Oracle. 

As she did every day, Xayah started at one point of the tree and worked her way around it. Tending to every little part she could, and looking over the runes in between the preening and nurturing. Part of her wondered if, somehow, having magic to utilize would glean her a better understanding of the tree. Though, she wasn't sure how that would go over with the Druids or the tree itself. It felt like there was a presence, an energy within it. 

While she was mulling over the energy she could feel, her fur bristled when that very same energy seemed to grow. The glowing runes glowed brighter, bright light pulsing along them towards her shocked form. No one had told her it would do this- had she messed something up??

"It seems you have done well with nurturing the Oracle," Auris mused, giving Xayah a warm smile when she spun around to stare wide eyed at him. "I came to check in on how you were progressing, but it seems it wasn't needed. Very few have been bestowed the honor you have just gained."

The haedian moved to procure a seed from the Oracle, turning back again to face Xayah and present it to her. The awestruck vayron could only stare for a moment before reaching to gently accept it, eyes wide as she looked over the seed oh so carefully.

"You are now a Guardian of the Wood. You need no escort to go to the Oracle, and have earned the trust of me and my clan." Auris told her, giving her an incline of his head while the warm smile stayed on his face. 

"I... Thank you. I'm honored to be given such a title, such a gift. I will cherish this, always."

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In Events ・ By LumosElm

WC: 963

Import: https://www.deviantart.com/reos-empire/art/Xayah-15630-940114798 

Submitted By LumosElm
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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