History Making - Keepers 3

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After helping the first group of tired younglings out and back to their sleeping quarters, Wassail was ushered back to the Great Hall where a bell tolled. All the older haedians seemed to filter their way in to the grand halls, the story crystals glowing ever so slightly as they did. The whole room seemed to fill with excitement, the energy crackling. Wassail saw Khaldor enter talking with another haedian, their colored blue and red with minimal white patching.


The scarlet and teal runner pulled his gaze away from the pair when he saw a blue and white haedian start to take some of the crystals off of the shelf, setting them in to the middle of the Hall. It was at that moment Wassail saw many of the tiny younglings, pups probably, being brought in on the backs of their caretakers.


“We welcome you to witness a smaller version of our Gathering of Echos. We truly appreciate you being here to witness this.” Khaldor pad up to the runner, “The pups were eager to at least see you before you left us to travel to the next clan.”


Khaldor didn’t seem entirely thrilled by the notion of the next clan, but he didn’t leave any time to dwell on it for the moment before pressing a crystal in to Wassail’s paws.


“Here, open it.” He smiled, meeting Wassail's confused gaze.


“Huh? Oh! Uh, okay…?” Wassail turned the glowing crystal over with in his paws.


He looked at it, the crystal humming ever so slightly with in his grasp. It was lighter than he had imagined it would be. He focused a bit, using the small amount of magic he could use to figure out this crystal. Soon he got the images of older Keeper members leading the younger ones in, the youngest again on the backs of the olders. They each took a crystal with in their hands and focused, closing their eyes when the crystal released their contents for the holder to see. He breathed out when he saw the vision leaving his mind, in awe of the care the Keepers took to preserve their knowledge.


“That’s what a full one looks like…” Khaldor smiled at the runner, holding another crystal in his hands.


“It looks amazing, truly.” Wassail was speechless, he handed the yellow crystal back to the Keeper’s leader before he was handed another, green this time.


Doing the same thing as before, he focused on the green crystal again. He was met with another vision of the Keepers, dressed in their own garbs, greeting other clans at the doors of the Chronicle Halls before allowing them in and mingling with them. The different colors of haedians and the garbs they wore. There were some that stood to the side though, their foreboding presence on the edges of the crystal's memories. They wore dark colors, reds and blacks, along with tarnished chains. Some held crystals, pouring memories in while others stood against the wall. Something pulled the runner from the crystal's memory though.


“Apologies… I thought I had found one that didn’t feature them fully.” Khaldor murmured, plucking the green crystal from Wassails paws.


The scarlet and teal runner shook his head to clear his vision, looking up at the green and golden haedian.


“What do you mean?” Wassail questioned a bit, his large ears pinning back.


“Order. They are… Unpleasant at best, to say it nicely. And unfortunately, the next clan you must face after us…” The leader spoke softly, his small ears pinned, seemingly disappearing next to his neck.


“They looked as unpleasant as could be…” Wassail shuddered a bit, trying to shake the image from his mind.


He felt a bump on his leg after he shut his eyes, looking down and seeking a small haedian who had wandered off to see him.


“Why hello little one. Where did you come from hm.” He sat curling his tail around the pup and happily cooed at him.


“Shimmer, where did you-? Oh, there you are. Dont wander off like that little one.” The pale blue and cream haedian chirped at the pup, picking them up, “Im so sorry he bothered you.”


“Don’t apologize, its not an issue. Im also learning about your history, since im new here.” The scarlet and teal runner chuckled holding a paw out to the pup, who grasped onto it.


“Here’s a good one for him to look at.” Khaldor walked back over towards the trio now and held a pink colored crystal up to the older Haedian and little Shimmer.


The haedian pup released Wassails paw and reached out for the crystal from Khaldor.


The runner watched as he held it within his little tiny hands, watching what ever story was held within.


There was a smile on Wassails face watching the history being passed down through the generations.

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History Making - Keepers 3
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In Events ・ By MountainDewTheDutch
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Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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