Calming Moments after Fear - Tranquil 3
When Wassail received the gems from Pyrri, he packed them carefully in to his travel packs before going to mingle with the rest of the clan while Pyrri went to go finish other projects with in her clan. He wandered the halls, looking at the walls and looking at the decor and the murals that depicted different plants. As he continued to make his way through passing by groups of haedians, he was drawn back to thinking about the runner who was his charge. Shadow may be of different blood than him, but he was tasked with raising the young Vayron due to him not having parents of his own. He slowed down, feeling his chest getting tight. How was Shadow right now? Was he getting through his days with the schedule Wassail set for him before he left? Was he making sure to eat and drink? He knew that he wouldn’t unless prompted.
He heard his heartbeat in his ears, and felt it pounding in his chest. He was shaking, each of his inhales shakier than the last. He screwed his eyes shut as he leaned against a wall trying to shake off the growing fear and panic. Soon he felt a gentle touch on his feathers, trying to at least ground him enough to be coherent.
“Let us get your bags off and then we will help guide you to Pyrri.” Their voice was soft, caring, calm.
Still unable to make any verbal acknowledgment, the scarlet and teal runner simply nodded after a moment. When he did, he felt another pair of hands trying their hardest not to actually touch him, but simply trying to take his satchels off. He helped them shrug them off his tired and sweaty body, something he didn’t realize it had been until that very moment.
“Come, come, we will put your bags in a separate room, but you must come with us to visit Pyrri again. She will be able to help with what ever is ailing you.” The voice spoke again, nudging him gently away from the wall and guiding him towards yet another portion of their cave system.
As they walked, slowly but steadily, towards the other caves, Wassail couldn’t get the swirling thoughts in his head to stop like he wanted too. He felt his wings trembling, the feathers vibrating against one another uncomfortably.
“Oh deary… What happened dear one?” The runner knew that voice.
A voice he could focus on. He opened his teal eyes a bit, taking another shuddery breath.
“Just… Just some unwanted wandering thoughts…” He tried to give a small grin to the pink and white fluffed haedian.
“Thank you, Gate, for leading him here. I will take it from here on now,” Pyrri hummed to the smaller haedian who had helped lead Wassail in who backed up after the pink and white Haedian took him with in her grasp, “Now, Wassail. You know that's not true… It is more than just some wandering thoughts.”
The scarlet and teal runner was gently laid down on some flat stones. They were warm to the touch and actually softer than expected. He sighed when the pink and white leader gently touched his head between his ears.
“I don’t know exactly what it was, but…. I had been thinking of my charge, my friend… I have been taking care of him since he was young and he is really… Distractible, to put a word to it. He has a support system, but…” The scarlet and teal runner let it all pour out after the touch, his wings shaking even more now, along with his ears.
“You still worry about him… You care deeply for him.” The white and pink fluffed haedian hummed softly, guiding her hand down Wassails back.
He nodded and took a shuddering breath in. He felt her put her hands on his wings as he struggled with getting his emotions in check again. She sent soothing comforting pulses of warmth through his body, along side the reassurance of calm. She continued to do that as long as the runner shook in her grasp. But soon, it started to recede, when his trembling calmed and his breathing evened out. He kept his eyes shut as he felt her smooth down what ever ruffled feathers he had back in to their original position. Upon opening them, he noticed Pyrri sitting next to him with her eyes closed, her white belly fluff gently moving in a silent breeze.
“Better, young Wassail?” She hummed, not opening her eyes, but offering a hand towards him.
“Much… Thank you, Pyrri…” He mumbled quitely, placing his snout in to her awaiting hand and started to at least sit up.
He shook his head again when he was finally sitting, and wrapped his tail around his paws. He looked at the meditating haedian with wonder.
“Before you leave, how about you join me to finish meditation? This could help you with those last few fears you may have and it can offer clarity for you.” She offered her other hand now.
“Oh, perhaps, perhaps I will…” He smiled, putting his paws with in her hands and closing his eyes.
Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago