the Forgotten's clan pt2
Deep within the caves, the four reos walked away from the labyrinth of caves talking between each other, contrasting feelings all over the place.
"We did what is right," Valentine said, his voice firm but tinged with weariness. "The Forgotten Clan would’ve starved without those gems. Now they can trade with us on the surface and sustain themselves for a little while"
Jeon-e cast a wary glance down the passage behind them. To her, they were still too close to the other haedian's territory. "I know, but the ones we robbed won’t care about our reasons. There is a high probability they'll track us down."
Mer, always the optimist in his younger age, dismissed Jeon-e's concerns with a laugh and a joyful walk, as if he had gotten away with stealing a cookie. "Let them come, we're not scared" he said with displaced confidence.
Cailu, their guide, sat apart from them. He had been on board with helping the Forgotten's clan, but he hadn't really liked the stealing approach the three vayrons wanted to take. He watched them in silence, his eyes focused on something distant. "It’s not about facing them. It’s about making them understand" he said softly. "If they don’t understand why we did this, we’ll be no better than thieves in their eyes."
Jeon-e hummed. "It could bring worse treatment to the Forgotten, if it's discovered it was them behind the heist."
The air in the caves felt heavier as their words settled among them. Each reos, in their own way, understood the weight of their actions. The Forgotten Clan, weakened and scattered, had begged for help. Materials for construction were one thing, a small, insignificant value in the complexity of a trading system, but the gems? They were the only sure way to secure enough food for them to survive, yes, but they were also one of the most valuable material above the ground. Their value was the equivalent of providing enough food for a while for their pack. Steal them from a pack to give to another, and the first one would starve. It had been a desperate act born of compassion, but it had consequences.
As if summoned by Jeon-e’s prediction, a growl sounded from somewhere far behind them. It was low and menacing, reverberating through the twisting tunnels. Jeon-e’s ears flattened. “They’re here.”
Cailu stiffened, his sharp eyes scanning the cavern. "Get ready. We’ll try to talk first, but if they don’t listen… defend yourselves."
The four reos arranged themselves near the center of the chamber they were resting in. The tunnel opposite them kicked up a bit of dust they had not moved as fast paced shadows emerged, taking the shape of seven large haedians. The new haedians were all wearing mug faces, and one with a large scar stepped forward.
"You," he growled, his voice deep and resonant. "You have stolen from us. You dare to enter our territory and defile it with your nasty land dwellers' feet, and then you have the audacity to steal from us. Give us back the gems, we know you have taken them."
Cailu took a step forward, his posture calm but his stance trying to project standing up for himself. "Please, let us explain. We did not steal for ourselves, we did it fo-”
The haedians sprawled out at the words, their snarls filling the air. A haedian snapped her jaws. “So you admit it! You took what wasn’t yours, don't you have any shame?”
Jeon-e stepped beside Cailu, showing her support but also making her a target to the haedians. Reckless, her words would matter little to the haedians. "Yes, we admit it. But there is no shame to be had, we did it for the Forgotten Clan. They’re starving, and those gems will allow them to buy food and sustain themselves for a while."
“And that’s our problem?” the scarred haedian scoffed, his hackles rising. “The gems are the fruit of our labour, we collected them and we ourselves use them to pay for food. You had no right to take them.”
Before Jeon-e could respond, one of the haedians lunged forward, snapping at the air near Mer’s paws. Mer leapt back, his ears flicking as he growled. "We’re not here to fight, but we’re not going to roll over either."
The tension exploded as the reos from both sides threw themselves toward each other. In the confined space of the chamber, the clash was a mix of movement and sound. Paws flew on the smooth stone, claws scraped against the ground, and growls reverberated all over.
Cailu found himself locked in a standoff with the scarred haedian. The other's strength was undeniable, but Cailu was quick on his feet and used his agility to evade and counter. "Listen to us!" Cailu yelled between jabs at each other. "The Forgotten Clan has already been pushed to the limit, they're already a clan made of rejects, you know they need all the help possible"
The haedian lunged, his teeth snapping inches from Cailu’s shoulder. "You think your good intentions excuse stealing? Do you think yourselves above morality? What you do is the right thing, no matter what?”
Nearby, Jeon-e faced off against two other haedians, her bulky build making so that she was keeping them at bay. Jeon-e’s voice interjected itself on Cailu's and the scarred haedian's discussion. “We’re not your enemies! Do you care so little for those who’ve lost everything?”
Valentine too stood firm against two opponents, his calm demeanour unshaken. He deflected their attacks with calculated precision, his voice steady despite the chaos, his rational brain always working on the best strategy. "Is pride worth more than lives? Can't you put yourself in their shoes? Members of your clan dying in front of you and not being able to help?"
Mer, who had kept the confident attitude as a coping mechanism, had his paws full with two haedians he was trying to avoid at all cost, leading them here and there. "We were trying to help, not hurt! We know it hurt you, but it still felt right!" he said. It was probably dumb, and it was for sure a declaration that could spark even more rage, a declaration of no regrets or remorse.
However, unexpectedly, gradually the intensity of the fight began to lower. The haedians that they had robbed began to falter, the conviction of the four reos planting a seed of doubt in their mind. The words of Cailu and the others had struck a chord, even if Mer's words were almost enough to make them forget about it, and their restrained attacks let them understand that they could resolve it peacefully, they just had to keep trying.
The scarred haedian stepped back. He glared at Cailu, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. "You speak of the Forgotten Clan as if their pain was mine to share. Why should I care? Don't you see we are also caring for our clan? Our safety?"
Jeon-e intervened, her voice resolute. "Because you're all haedians. You all live here, you all share these tunnels and these resources. We are strangers, we don't know how things are here, but seeing a group of haedians, all of them belonging to different clans at some point of another, all trying to look for each other, it does something to you. It shows a lot about the perception of the "enemy", of competing for resources, when you all could be helping each other to live if not a prosperous life, at least a dignified one. You are right in wanting to protect your resources, but controlling most of the territory and not helping those scraping by is making many suffer, while they could all be workforce for a common goal, all of them could be helping your clan extract them and gain their living through right means, instead of resorting to stealing."
The cavern fell silent except for the distant drip of water. "You think they want to work? Put in the effort? I call it a lie. They have only stolen from us, for a long time by what you've said."
A small wave of relief washed over Cailu. Those weren't positive words, but it was an opening. "You’ll see that they hold good intentions if you just take the time to speak to them. WIll you follow us?"
They nodded, and the four reos guided them.
1405 words
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Submitted By Nora
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago
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[the Forgotten's clan pt2 by Nora