Leading the Charge - Forgotten 3
With the preparations well underway for the next prank raid, Wassail took the time to arm himself with knowledge of the next clan they were going to hit. The smaller red haedian from earlier, his name was Striker, had started helping him to get his supplies along with his friend Warp, a purple and black haedian who seemed to teleport across the floor. Well, he could with a little help of his magic.
“So, we’re gunna hit the next clan in approximately two day cycles. We’ll go in through the front doors, others will go through those tunnels we used during the last one.” Strike grinned as he spread out an unfinished map in front of the trio.
“We're gunna want to go here,” Warp pointed a claw to the back area of a room, “This is the best spot to put the bug bundles, keeps them out of reach of the clan, but we can easily reach them.
Wassail nodded, humming as he gently picked up some of the cloth bundles that held clicker beetles and stink bugs. He tucked them with in the packs they had lent to him. The two haedians brought over some sticky sap like substance.
“Now, time to make some of those special ‘Stop em’ right in their track’ splat bombs we love to make.” Warp smirked, holding the glob up to the crystal light.
The scarlet and dark teal runner looked at it and then back at the pair. He nodded and watched as they grabbed another type of bundle wrapper.
They continued to make these kinds of bundles before the duo led the scarlet and teal runner to a sleeping area when he started to yawn and had trouble sitting up.
“Alright, yeah we should head to sleep huh.” Warp hummed, helping the runner back to his feet while letting him lean on the haedian.
“We should have enough materials in our sleep area for you to borrow.” Strike chirped softly, packing up their supplies and tucking them away before trotting after the other duo and helping Warp lead the runner.
It didn’t take long for the duo to lead the runner to their sleep area, Strike going ahead to gather up some of the blankets and cloth to make in to a nest for the runner to lay in. Stretching as he laid down, Wassail let out a big yawn. He heard the other two laugh a little bit as he curled up using his wing to cover his head and eyes.
“Sleep well top sider, we will continue planning in the morning.” One of the two spoke, but Wassail couldn’t figure it out before he let sleep over take him.
When he woke up, the scarlet and teal runner stretched in the make shift nest. He uncurled himself, tucking his wings in, he watched as the haedian duo also awoke.
“Good mornin’. Hope you had a good sleep.” Strike mumbled as he also woke up, unburying himself from a yellow haedian who must have come in after Wassail fell asleep.
“I did.” The runner let out a yawn as he heard Warp blip in behind him.
He turned towards the black and purple haedian as he came in to the room.
“Come on Sunny, I gotta get up.” There was a grunt and then a commotion from the duo behind him.
As soon as they were all up, Wassail stretched his wings up and out. The red and yellow haedians followed the purple and black one out towards the food area to get their rations for the morning. The now small group went to find a table to eat their food, and discuss the prank routes again.
“I think, we should hit here, and here.” Warp pointed to two different places on their map they used.
They talked for another few hours about the new plans, Wassail making pointers from his own dealings with his prankster friends above ground. Soon though, they hear the call of the other older haedians from out in the main area. The three who were participating left the bright yellow one behind. As they made their way to the common area, they were greeted with more and more haedians who would be participating in this prank raid.
“I know that this announcement has come earlier than expected, but it is important that this information is known.” Troall spoke scanning the crowd with an intense gaze, “Unfortunately, I will not be able to lead this coming raid. Something came up unexpectedly for which I must attend. In my stead, I will put trust in Wassail, through whom many commended his efforts during the last raid.”
The scarlet and teal runner was shocked to hear the, not cries of outrage, but of support. He watched as Warp and Strike grinned at him, whooping with the rest of the crowds. He lowered his head a bit, giving a nervous look.
“You'll do great dude.” Ward bumped his shoulder in to Wassail's wing.
“Heh, yeah.” Strike grinned, sitting back on his heels.
“I will lead you to the edge of the territory before you leave for the raid tonight, after that though, you will be on your own leading them.” Troall spoke again after making her way to the trio.
“I am honored you trust me with such a task.” The runner looked at the orange and black leader.
“There were many who talked highly about your efforts so it was an easy decision when I was meet with the news I was needed elsewhere.” She smiled at the runner.
He nodded again, before following her with the rest of the haedians going on the raid followed suit. When they reached the edge of the territory, Wassail took over. The haedians who followed fell in to a formation that was similar to the one that happened on the raid a couple of days prior. Slowing down, the runner watched the area that was the front door before flicking his tail. Warp nodded before flickering away with his teleportation magic to meet with the other group. With him gone, they rushed through the front, shocking a few of the native haedians before stopping them in their tracks with the sticky sap blobs. They used a few of the stink bug bombs in the main area before rushing to another room and shoving some into the seams of the walls along side the clicker beetle bombs which soon started to sound horrendous in the runners ears. They started to fall back when Warp came back to the main group, at that point they started to fall back once more with cheers and whoops
Maybe this clan really was making the best for their position in life, Wassail smiled to himself with that thought in mind.
Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago