[2913] [13757] The Beginning of the End [Keepers p3]
Pyrrah-Vos~ “You’ve got to admit, this crystal stuff is kinda cool. Like… Weird, but cool.”
Theneras- “First time I’ve heard you sound genuinely interested in the Haedians, Pyrrah.”
Pyrrah leaned forward, eyes narrowing as he tried to make sense of the shifting images playing out within the crystal he and Theneras were already studying. The glowing etchings pulsed faintly, projecting an ancient Haedian tale of unity or wisdom or… something else vaguely poetic that Pyrrah wasn’t sure he entirely grasped. Still, it was fascinating enough to keep his attention.
He turned to Theneras, his expression playful.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “You getting all this, Then? Help me out with what great lesson I’m supposed to be learning right now.”
Theneras barked out a laugh in turn.
Theneras- “Yeah, no. You learn that lesson right on your own.”
The quiet atmosphere shifted then. From the corner of his eye, Pyrrah noticed a Haedian approaching—a tall figure with striking golden markings that shimmered faintly under the soft glow of the crystals around them. They moved with deliberate grace, each step quiet but purposeful. Pyrrah straightened slightly, feeling a faint unease beneath his curiosity. Theneras watched the newcomer with a wary expression, his head low(er) to the ground to feign some sort of submission in case this one seemed to be aggressive towards them, like Auris had become.
The Haedian didn’t speak. Instead, they extended a clawed hand, offering a crystal unlike any Pyrrah had seen before. It was darker, its glow deeper and more intense, as if it held something far more significant than the general stories they’d been watching.
Pyrrah hesitated, glancing quickly at Theneras before accepting the crystal on behalf of them both.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Uh… Thanks? Is this, like, the VIP crystal or something?”
The Haedian’s only response was a faint, knowing smile before they stepped back into the shadows, their presence fading into the ambient hum of the Keepers’ halls.
Pyrrah turned the crystal over in his claws, its smooth surface cool to the touch. He felt a strange pull, almost like it wanted him to focus on it.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Alright, let’s see what the big deal is...”
Theneras- “Maybe it’s one of those soothsayer things. It’s gonna show you your fate or your future.”
He shot Theneras with a cautious side-eye. Carefully, he positioned the crystal, its inner glow intensifying as they activated it. The projection that emerged was immediate, vivid, and completely different from what Pyrrah had expected. The soft, historical glow of the previous stories was replaced by something darker—an image of conflict, or perhaps warning. Shadows loomed, indistinct but unnerving, as if the crystal carried a message meant only for them.
Pyrrah’s grin faded slightly, his tail giving a faint flick as he watched, only to curve around his little form.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Okay… So maybe this one’s a little less bedtime story and a little more ‘don’t let this happen again.’ What the…”
He glanced at Theneras, his casual tone failing to mask the faint edge in his voice.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Is this some kinda Haedian test, or are they just trying to freak us out…?”
Theneras watched as the so-called "message" began to unfold. Seated on the ground, his tail curled around his paws, he leaned forward slightly- his focusing his attention on the new information. Whatever this was, he couldn’t quite make sense of it yet. And then, he barely had any time at all to consider what was going on before the crystal flared to life again, its glow intensifying and brightening as mist began to swirl inside the vision, forming a massive shape against the air.
Two distinct streams of color emerged, twining and colliding as if locked in a fierce battle. Their struggle sent streaks of color splashing against the larger form, splitting it cleanly in two, creating a vast rift within. Theneras squinted, his ears angling forward as he leaned in closer, as though the extra inches would somehow clear up his confusion and explain what he was seeing.
Theneras- “Wait, that shape…”
His gaze narrowed, his thoughts racing to connect the image with something familiar. It looked like…
Theneras- “Is that... Vitalus? It’s got that rift running through the middle, right? The one we entered through?”
The vision shifted again, this time showing ghostly shapes of Haedians, their expressions twisted with anguish. The terror etched onto their faces was so vivid it felt almost tangible. Theneras stiffened as the figures, then, clustered together, seeking refuge beneath the wings of a single, towering Haedian, whose form grew larger and more imposing by the moment.
Theneras- “Is this… their story?”
He turned his head toward Pyrrah, his expression a mix of curiosity and unease, searching for confirmation in the other Chaser’s face.
Pyrrah leaned closer, squinting at the shapes as the vision shifted again, revealing the conflict and the despair seated in the visions.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “So, maybe this is how it all started..?”
His claws absentmindedly traced the grooves of the crystal as he spoke, the weight of what he was witnessing settling in his chest. The Chaser’s ears twitched as his eyes met Theneras’ in some sort of grim understanding.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Wild… We must be the first ever surface-dwellers that have seen this stuff.”
[2913] [13757] The Beginning of the End [Keepers p3]
Two chasers find out the origin of the Haedians--
Draw or write your Reosean receiving this crystal from Khaldor and/or viewing its contents. It could be a normal Haedian celebration, or perhaps something else than what you expected.
WC: 872/800
Submitted By Kelyias
for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago