[2913] [13757] Family Fun Craft Time [Depthstriders p3]
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Alright, so… what’s the deal here? Do we just grab stuff and pray it doesn’t turn out like a disaster?”
The chaser leaned over the moss-covered table, giving the assortment of glowing coral pieces, shimmering threads, and waterproof fabrics a look that was equal parts curiosity and caution. He still carried faint smudges of glow-paint from earlier, and while he had embraced the chaos of that event… This? This required actual skill. And, let’s face it, Pyrrah wasn’t exactly the type to be trusted with fine craftsmanship.
Theneras- “I thought you were artistic, Pyrrah?"
The Chaser couldn’t resist teasing his companion, both of them now covered in striking paint markings- though neat patches were interrupted by bold, messy streaks.
The Haedian artisan on the other side of the table beamed, their mane adorned with faintly glowing beads that reflected the shimmering light.
Artisan~ “Oh, it’s very simple! Let your creativity flow. You can craft a necklace, a bracelet, maybe even a sash. Anything your heart desires!”
Pyrrah picked up a small, rounded piece of coral, its soft luminescence catching his eye. He turned it over in his claws a few times, already feeling clumsy.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Alright, yeah. A necklace. I can handle that. Just string some beads, call it a day, and bam; instant Depthstrider fashion statement. Easy peasy.”
Theneras- “You can’t do something as simple as that?”
Theneras snickered as he poked the fun at Pyrrah this time around, watching as the chaser lowered himself onto a cushion by the table, grabbing a thread and attempting to look confident. Within seconds, a piece of coral slipped out of his grasp and clattered loudly against the table, bouncing onto the floor.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Oh, nice. This is gonna be a masterpiece, I can tell.”
His gaze shifted to Theneras after his loud eyeroll followed by a snort, to which Pyrrah narrowed his eyes and waved a piece of coral dramatically.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Don’t just stand there, Then! If I’m doing this, you’re doing this. No way am I going down alone. Show me you’re just as shit.”
The Haedian artisan handed Pyrrah a small threading tool, their voice as cheerful as ever.
Artisan~ “Take your time! It’s not about perfection, it’s about self-expression.”
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Oh, sure. Expressing how bad I am at this, you mean.”
Determined now, Pyrrah leaned in closer, carefully threading the coral beads with the kind of intense focus one might use for an actual life-or-death situation. His brow furrowed, his tail twitching slightly with each small success; or failure. Mostly failure.
Theneras soon received his own set of beads and trinkets, settling down across from Pyrrah to begin his own little creation. The familiar patterns of threading and arranging objects felt all too familiar, a quiet callback to his roots. Growing up in a clan where everyone had to contribute in some way- whether it was building caravans, weaving cloth, or crafting tools- he had naturally picked up a wide variety of skills over the years.
Hunting had never been his strong suit; his small stature made it near impossible compared to the larger, more imposing Reoseans that belonged with his clan. Magic, too, was not a talent he relied on as much, leaving him to find other ways to support his family. Because of this, he had, naturally, moved himself toward tasks that required precision and care. Small paws and attention to detail. He spent countless hours crafting potions, measuring ingredients.
His skills served him well, even if jewelry wasn’t his strong suit. Fabric, however, was something he could handle. As he worked, Theneras hummed softly, turning the thicker cloth over in his paws. It wasn’t the kind he was used to, but it would do. He considered the Depthstriders- water-dwellers, after all. They’d need something lightweight and unobstructive. No capes, no shirts- nothing that could get in the way of movement.
Arm wraps seemed like the best idea. Not only would they avoid restricting movement, but they might also provide extra friction in the water, helping push through currents with more strength. With his claws retracted, Theneras carefully guided the needle through the fabric, back and forth, his tongue peeking out at the corner of his mouth as he concentrated.
After some time spent stitching and adjusting, he wrapped the finished fabric around his own legs to test the fit. If they worked for him, they’d surely fit the thinner legs of the Haedians as well. Satisfied, he gave the cloth a final tug and smiled at his handiwork.
Theneras- “Done! Did you get your artistic flare out, Pyrrah?”
He smiled widely, looking over to his partner to see his creation.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Artistic flair? Oh, totally. It’s… Uhhhh… Abstract. Modern art.”
Pyrrah held up his “masterpiece” with both paws, the string of coral beads dangling precariously from the thread, uneven and awkwardly spaced. Some of the beads were even upside-down, their glowing patterns slightly misaligned.
Pyrrah tilted his head, squinting at the result.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Okay, it’s not gonna win any beauty contests, but hey—it’s got character, right?”
He glanced at the Haedian artisan, who offered an encouraging, albeit slightly strained, smile. Pyrrah then looked to Theneras, eyes narrowed, glare threatening.
Pyrrah-Vos~” Shut up Then.”
[2913] [13757] Family Fun Craft Time [Depthstriders p3]
Pyrrah and Theneras get creative, whatever that means for two Reoseans that have 0 creative bones in their body.
Draw or write your reosean attempting to join in on the Coral Crafting fun. They could be crafting a necklace out of glowing coral, or attempting to sew waterproof fabrics together. Or maybe your reosean is more likely to try something on than make it.
WC: 896/800
Submitted By Kelyias
for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago