Prepare for the Worst - Order 2
It was at that moment, that Wassail knew, he was in for a world of hurt. Out from behind the crowds, a massive red, black and white stag horned haedian crawled forward. The malice within their eyes was immeasurable. The crowd split, whispering softly before growing louder with each step the massive haedian took.
They spoke. Chanting really. The scarlet and teal runner tried to back away, but the crowd made it impossible for him to back away.
“So… you are the one my clan has been whispering about.” The stag horned haedian hissed out.
“Trapping someone because they have different beliefs is not very welcoming.” The winged runner snarled back, flaring his wings out.
“You are the one who wandered into our territory.” She snapped at him, taking a lunging swipe.
Wassail had to jump back, a bigger snarl leaving his throat as he used his wings to gain leverage on the jump. The massive Haedian growled, grabbing at the winged runner but missing by a hair.
“I did not simply wander in. I was instructed that you were the next clan to meet by the Keepers and Khaldor.” The runner bared his teeth as the stag horned haedian came after him once again.
“So not only are you a heretic but you lie too. Of course the rest of the clans would let you through. They are all simply too soft.” Shira hissed, a snarl clear on her lips.
She leaped at Wassail once more, this time, she got a chunk of his wing feathers in her mouth and tugged them out, pulling a screech from the runner. He pulled his uninjured wing close to his body, the injured one hanging limply to his side he hissed in pain. He growled at the haedians who crowded around him, trying to keep them at bay.
A large silver haedian covered in scars leaped in front of the runner hissing at the large horned leader. They glared at one another, not breaking eye contact. Shira snarled and turned away, lashing her ridged tail.
Wassail shook a bit, more in shock then fear before looking up at the large shimmering haedian in front of him.
“Thank… Thank you…” The scarlet and dark teal runner shuddered as he was led away by the silver haedian.
“Do not mention it… I cannot stop the fight from happening fully, but I can hopefully be your stand in… Shira is not forgiving in the slightest when it comes to a fight.” He spoke, his voice gruff but filled with concern.
“I’ll be fine fighting, I just need to wrap my wing…” The scarlet and teal runner winced as he pulled it around and noticed the drips of blood that fell.
“You’re not going in if I can help it. Let's get you patched up before you go back out there.” A lime yellowy green haedian gruffed out, dropping a bag on the ground.
Sitting down, the newcomer gently took Wassail's wing in to his hands and stretched it out a small bit, earning a hiss and a near swipe but he was kept still by the silver haedian. The lime green haedian started with disinfecting the area where the feathers were pulled from, before cleaning the area from broken feathers and making sure that he could apply the chilly ointment on it. He wrapped it with a white cloth around it.
“Now, dont you dare go trying to use that wing of yours until those feathers start to grow back in.” He gruffed out, a frown on his face.
Wassail looked at the wrap job, before tucking it close to his body again.
“Thank you… I will not, I promise.” He glanced at the pair with a small smile on.
“Now, you, what do you think Prill would think of this?” The green haedian turned towards the silver one, who let out a sigh.
“He understands. He knows it's not the best but he understands.” The shimmery silver haedian narrowed his red eyes at the yellowy green one.
“Because he understands you're risking your hind end for a topsider who's been making their way through here.” The yellowy green haedian sat back on his haunches crossing his arms, his bright teal eyes watching the other.
The silver one sighed, “Yes. He knows about them anyway. Told me to help where I could.” The silver one waved it off, cleaning his claws.
“Fine.” The green one turned towards Wassail again, “Now, since you won't be fighting Shira yourself, you are to help him in whatever way you could.”
“That's fine. I am willing to help from the sidelines.” The scarlet and teal runner nodded, as the green Haedian started to push supplies towards him.
While Wassail was preparing, what he didn’t know was that Shira was making her preparations.
Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago