A Play to Remember - Caregivers 2
As Wassail floated in the pool, he felt himself get pulled deeper and deeper with in his own mind to his own memories. He followed a flowing path, one of which he knew extraordinarily well. The scarlet and dark teal runner spread his wings in his more pleasant memories. He heard laughter from ahead, familiar laughter.
On the edge of the pool, some of the Handmaidens watched the scarlet and dark teal runner intently. Others shuffled around to get a better look at the water when they noticed it shimmering.
“Wassail! Come on! We’re gunna miss the show!” A familiar purple Vayron bounded towards him, not slowing down when he got close.
“Shadow! You have to slow down!” The scarlet and dark teal runner yelled in a panic, his eyes flying wind open.
The roaned purple runner leaped at the other with a huge smile on his face. Soon the duo was tumbling into the snow covered grass of Reoden, stopping only when Shadow was pinning the winged runner to the ground.
“Wassail your gunna make us lateeeee.” The runner who stood above the other cried out.
“Well if you would let me finish getting ready, then we can get going.” The scarlet and teal runner sighed heavily as he pushed his whole weight into the purple runner above him.
Shadow went tumbling into the snowy ground all while laughing. As he went tumbling, a dark yellow fuzz covered chaser came sprinting over, crackling and popping sounds coming from his front paws.
“Deku! Come back here!” He shouted, the fur on his shoulders standing on end.
“Katsuki. Relax, he is not here yet.” The winged runner covered the chaser with one of his large wings trying to calm down the raging shorty.
A grumble came from under his wing before the dark yellow chaser pushed his head out from underneath Wassails wing. Shadow came prancing back over and burrowed under Wassail’s other wing while a fully dark teal runner made his way over to the trio.
“Kacchan, hi, you're the one who ran ahead.” The teal runner chuckled lightly, lowering his head with a tilt to it.
The four vayrons brushed the snow off their fur and padded off towards the center of the snowy town. The whole way Shadow kept bounding through different snow piles and digging up clumps of frozen ground in an attempt to make the stoic winged runner laugh. The teal runner and the dark yellow chaser trotted behind the scarlet and dark teal runner, with the teal runner occasionally licking at the chaser's ears playfully. As soon as they reached the center of the town, they were greeted with a large hand built stage, given the mismatched sizing of the back drop holder.
“So what show is this by the way, Shadow?” Deku asked the roaned purple runner as he bounded back over to the group after talking to someone.
“Its a play about the return of the Empyrians! Even though it didn’t happen that long ago, they’re makin a play of it for the ones who wanna learn about history.” The runners short tail was wagging a about a mile a minute, making his whole bum go with it.
“Oh? Is that so?” Wassail sat curling his own tail around his paws keeping them off the cold ground.
“Yeah! They’re gunna have everything from the fight with Catalyst to a.. a replica of the Elder!” The young runner bounced on his paws, even as the spots around them filled with pullers, chasers and Emyrians alike.
That got a smile out of the stoic winged runner.
“I guess it would be good to see how it went for most others. I only had the pleasure to meet just the Elder to bring back his message.” Wassail hummed.
“You never mentioned that you got to meet the Elder.” Katsuki grumbled as he curled as best he could around Deku despite his smaller stature.
“Well it wasn’t for long. It was just to garner enough trust to have him reach out back here to Reoden and the rest of the lands for diplomacy.” Wassail shrugged his wings as Shadow made his way under them for warmth.
“Still, it must have been neat to meet him, even for a short time.” Deku hummed, turning his gaze towards the stage as they started to get it set with props.
“Less so nice and more so intimidating. Remember he is their leader and they hadn’t been seen or thought of since the fall of the Holy One.” Wassail raked his wing down Shadows' back before tucking it around him.
The teal runner hummed as the rest of the group turned their attention towards the stage when the announcer came on.
“Welcome everyone young and old, we thank you all for coming! We would like to proudly present, The Return of the Lost Dwellers!” They called.
“Alright, lets quiet down now, the shows starting.” Wassail smiled, settling in for the play surrounded by his friends.
Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago