Face the Consequences

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Felfeyn - 146 words

Dense muscles shift visibly beneath thick dark grey fur as the duveteux puller helped haul a large net of fish into a lopsided stone shack. Strong jaws were clamped onto the ropes, ears pinned, and with one final yank the scaley bundle was tucked as far back as it could go.

Piers huffed, working his jaw to help prevent cramping as he turned to Cailu and Vranjad. The haedian had been assisting him with dragging the net, whereas the grape coloured runner had mostly been supervising the move, dipping in to catch any fish that was or had slipped between the gaps and onto the ground. His orange eyes caught a glimpse of their Forgotten escort peering around the edge of the doorway, likely ensuring they weren't snacking on the job.

The Forgotten were suspicious of outsiders, but understandably so considering their rather squalid living conditions.


Xe-li - 169 words

Vranjad had kept careful watch of the fish as they had been dragged by his friend Piers and the haedian Cailu, yet one thing still nagged at the runner mind with was the  fact that they only barely managed to escape after Vranjads botched attempt at restraining a big fish. It wasnt adding up, is what his head kept circling back to.  They were so close to being found out back at the fishing nets yet they somehow got away dragging a heavy net full of fish around.

His eyes wandered to the wet trail the fish in the net had left behind on the cool cave floor, someone could have easily followed them if they wished. "Hey-" they started approaching Piers to express his worries but that is when Piers and him picked up the sound of shouting from somewhere closeby to the stone shack. "Well- seems like what I wanted to talk with you about is already happening." Vranjad sighed, looking to Cailu and Piers for input.


Felfeyn - 165 words

Long ears perked and rotated to focus in on the commotion Piers could hear kicking off in the distance. He locked eyes with Vranjad as the runner went to speak and nodded his head.

Amber orbs flicked over to Cailu as he spoke, giving the haedian space to exit the cave first, "we should go check that out."

He fell into step behind their guide for this journey, glancing around to find that their escort seems to have abandoned them to aide their clanmates in the face of whatever chaos was going on. As they moved through the small settlement, sticking to the few buildings as they neared the crowd that had gathered in the short time.

Peering between the gathered bodies, having crouched a bit for an easier view, Piers could see Troall being confronted by a number of other haedians; stances were wide and confrontational but not aggressive... yet.

"I think... that members of the clan we took those fish from are here."


Xe-li - 113 words

Vranjad had followed suit, still a bit uncertain about his surroundings yet despite it he tried to keep an air of confidence about him. He burst into a quick jog to walk next to Piers, eyes darting between Cailu and the aforementioned.

"Listen- if things get violent its probably best if we dip... sure we stole but in the end this isnt about us is it?" he offered with puffed out chest and an assuring smile flashed at the Puller. It was clear the runner was intend to do what he does best- run from the trouble.

He mustered Piers demeanor adding a quick "but for now lets see how things go alright?"


Felfeyn - 144 words

Piers kept his eyes locked on the confrontation occurring, not willing to let his guard down in the event things went south, but his ears twisted in Vranjad's direction.

"It might not be about us directly, but it was still our actions that caused this. Cailu," the puller spoke up, catching the haedian's attention, "you know the political situation down here better than we do. Should we attempt to step in and speak up?"

"Hmm... The Forgotten have a difficult time surviving as it is, I don't want to leave them to deal with this."

Piers nodded, standing from his crouch and striding forward to slink between the crowded bodies, peripherally aware of his companions following in his wake. His resolve was firm, and was going to do his best. He came up to the side of Troall.

"Troall, may we say our piece?"


Xe-li - 188 words

Troall glanced at the two wingless strangers that had brought trouble with them before giving them a short nod.
"Fine. Lets see you try and fix this shall we?" came in response from the haedian.

Vranjads confident demeanor started to form a noticable crack in it with his ears pulled back, head lowered and general way of moving that looked as if the Runner was attempting to sneak by.
Piers on the other hand looked self-confident, which also started to rub off just a bit onto Vranjad as the Runner would glance to his companion.

"Alright lets do this." said Vranjad to himself before he adressed the crowd in front of him.

"My dear haedians, this is all a big misunderstanding. I understand your upset but please hear us out." he started, causing the haedians to focus on him. He felt an oncoming surge of stage fright form in the pit of his stomach which he pushed down.

"When we arrived all we could see were the Forgotten and their terrible living conditions. All we intended was to help truly. Perhaps we can come to a mutual understanding?"


Felfeyn - 162 words

Standing shoulder to shoulder in solidarity, puller and runner traded off who was addressing the crowd.

"As my companion said, when we arrived we were confronted by the misfortune of the Forgotten. You can see for yourselves how thin your fellows are in comparison to yourselves."

Piers glanced around, taking in the expressions of those around them.

"We were given a task when we arrived, and wanting to prove our earnestness, we did it. I apologize for how we went about it, we shouldn't have stolen from you, but I cannot apologize for why we did it. Where I come from, the land is often frigid and it can be difficult to keep yourself fed if the weather takes a turn for the worst, and stays that way. Hunger quickly becomes your most common companion, and no one deserves to have to go hungry."

He bowed his head, shaggy mane falling in front of his eyes.

"Please forgive us for our infraction."


Xe-li - 61 words

Vranjas listened to his friends words as he considered his own stance on this situation and how ready to bail he had been. When the darkcoated puller apologized he too bowed down and followed suit, ushering an apology of his own, hoping that it would be accepted and if not accepted that it would at least create a sense of understanding.

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Face the Consequences
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In Storyline Events ・ By FelFeyn

word count = 1148 words

Option 1:

The clan you’ve messed with is outraged, their feelings towards outsiders have gone down.

Draw or write your Reosean facing down the angry crowd. Will you try to placate them and explain the Forgotten's less than fortuitous situation, or will you stand your ground and laugh in their faces?


Featured Reoseans:



Submitted By Xe-Li for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 7 months agoLast Updated: 7 months ago

FelFeyn: Roleplay Participant
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