Egress Unveiled - Druids ft Ithildantia & Umber
“Come on out now..” Runa coaxes in their most soothing voice.
Tucked inside a crevice, a pair of tiny critters are huddled and trembling with fear. Only moments ago, the pair had been caught in the open by a predator while their parents are away, most likely on a hunt, and they fled into this rather unsafe spot.
The predator had been easy enough to chase off, but now the adventurers must rescue the little ones and get them home before they are in even more trouble.
Umber looks at Runa who was bent down to look at the young ones that were hiding in a crack in the rock. "Any luck?" She looks around to make sure no other predators were approaching, it didnt seem like there was much in the way of fauna in the caves, although they stayed pretty near the clans, so that probably didnt help that assumption.
"I hope we can get them out before their parents return, id hate to also have to calm down angry paternal creatures." She comes up next to Runa. "Do you want me to try? I think they might unfortunately be scared of you." She frowns, hoping this doesnt damber Runa's mood, she doesnt think she looks scary at all! Or even intimidating for that matter.
Runa steps back with a small nod. “I think you’re right. Give it a try, Umber.”
After being exposed and nearly eaten, having a dark, winged stranger in your face is probably not helping the babies’ panic.
Elysion appears from around the bend, but keeps his distance as the largest member of the group. No need to scare them even more. “I can’t find the parents,” he quietly reports, just loud enough for the pair to hear. “I think the slickies were lost.”
“Slickies?” Runa asks with a quirk of a brow, looking over their shoulder at him.
Elysion shrugs with a smirk, “It’s what I’ve called them since I was a pup, myself. They are pretty slicky..”
Runa chuckles with a small shake of the head, returning their attention to Umber and the little ones.
The young creatures blink up at Umber with wide eyes, but don't seem willing to move.
"Perhaps if we offer them something tasty?" Elysion suggests.
"Good idea," Runa nods, and they rifle through their supplies to find a bit of dried meat. The salty, savory scent makes their own mouth water, so it should work for sure.
Runa quietly passes it on to Umber, silently hoping this works.
Umber brightens up at the food idea and when Runa passes the dried meat over to her she scoots it up closer to the hole in the cave wall but still out in the opening, she even backs up a bit to give the little critters space and she relaxes again.
The braver one of the pair sniffs and starts moving towards the entrance of the crack, sniffing and taking in the scent of the dried meat, looking between it and Umber. Once it senses Umber isnt a threat it calls back to its sibling and tries to get them to come forward. Once they do, Umber quietly glances at Runa and Elysion trying to not get too excited that the pair are out of the crack in the wall.
The first piece of food is quickly gnawed and devoured, and soon the little ones cautiously crawl forth into view.
Runa takes a steadying breath, keeping their composure. But now what?
As if she'd spoken her thoughts out loud, Elysion quietly says, "We should take them to the Druids. They can help find their parents, or raise them until they are old enough to be on their own."
Runa slowly nods, wondering how they will manage to convince the slickies to follow them, or allow these big, scary strangers to carry them.
After some time of coaxing and offering tempting bits of jerky, the creatures seem willing to cautiously follow the trio. Umber, Runa, and Elysion slowly lead them away from the rocks, keeping their eyes and ears out in case the parents appear- but they do not. It truly seems as though these little ones are on their own.
Elysion takes up the back, ever mindful of their surroundings, while Runa takes the lead so that Umber may keep talking and gradually feeding the slickies.
The farther they go, the little ones seem to gain their confidence back. They lift their heads a little more, and pick up the pace on their squishy, stumpy legs.
Finally, the group is greeted by the Druids, who are quite pleased that the young slickies were saved. It so happens that some of the Druids are quite capable at raising these types of creatures, and will happily make sure that they grow into strong and capable adults to be released.
Featuring Ithildantiâ & Umber
Draw or write your Reosean attempting to make peace with the Druids by connecting with like interests. You could tend to plants, maybe assist an injured animal, or keep away any pest that might try and harm the innocent life that grows amongst the Druid.
Submitted By Izmyr
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago