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In Storyline Events ・ By Leoclare


Draw or write your character beginning this soul-searching journey—a profound exploration of your virtues and empathy. You can merely depict them in the crystal laden cavern, or perhaps entering or floating in the pool. Get comfortable, you'll be here for a while.

You enter the pool and close your eyes as you float, the cool water soaking through your coat to your skin. Almost immediately, you're tugged into a memory with gentle fingers, the images hazed and fuzzy at the edges. You feel your heart rate slow as your thoughts ease, the memory a happy one. The Caregivers watch closely, their hooded heads tilted towards a separate pool that, while empty to an outsider's eyes, reveals to theirs the images you're seeing in your mind.

Draw or write the memory that your reosean is experiencing at this moment. It should be a good time in their life-- are they laughing with a friend, or perhaps they're curled up in the sun with a spellbook? Maybe the happiness is more related to a feeling, like a time they helped someone in need or received help themselves.

As the joyful memory unfolds within the reflective pool, the Handmaids observe with a measured intensity. The scene reveals not just your Reosean's happiness but also the strength of their bonds with others. The Caregivers nod approvingly, recognizing the genuine connections your Reosean holds.

Draw or write your Reosean experiencing this new, less savory memory. Did your Reosean tell a regrettable lie? Experience the loss of a loved one? Depict a challenging or unfavorable period in their life that highlights a less cheerful side of their character.

Temujin 11515
Commodore 17237
Kenneta 17236

Submitted By Leoclare for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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