Teaching those Younger - Keepers 2

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Stretching from the position he had put himself into, Wassail stood when he heard a commotion outside of the main library. He put away some of the crystals that he was helping Khaldor write for the archives about the surface. When he exited the room, he was met with a group of young haedians. They stumbled through the halls trying to seemingly race each other into the library. Stumbling to a stop though, the trio of young haedians looked at the scarlet and dark teal winged runner in awe. The largest of the three pushed past the other two.


“Hi there mister topsider!” He shouted, standing on the shoulders of the other two when they didn’t move out of his way, “We want you to teach us stuff!”


“Hey! Stop pushing!”


“You should’ve gotten out of the way quicker!”


“Nu uh!”


Wassail pushed his way in between the trio with a low warning growl, just enough to get their attention.


“Stop fighting, if you want to talk to me, I will need you to not only treat me with respect, but your peers too. All of you.” The scarlet and teal runner shook his head as he sighed.


As below like above. Even youths could be the same. All endless energy and passion. They pulled away from each other, looking guiltily at one another before looking back at the runner.


“Okay…” The chorus of dejected voices chimed from the trio in front of him.


“Don't sound like that, if you rush things, they won't come to you at all.” He gave them a soft glare, “If you want to learn, and retain the information, you have to be patient.”


“Would you be willing to teach us something about being on the topside? Please!” The biggest one asked, waving their tail a bit.


“If you wish too, we should head back into the Hall, so that we can relax and get comfortable.” The scarlet and dark teal runner pulled his wings close to himself as he flicked his tail towards the entrance of the Hall.


“Alright!” The trio cried, hopping to their feet in a flurry of excitement.


Soon the four of them moved into the Hall, finding a secluded section with a mound of pillows they could lay on. Getting themselves situated and settled on to the pillows, Wassail smiled when he saw the excitement fluttering in their gliding wings.


“Is there anything in particular that you would want to learn about the lands above?” The scarlet and teal runner tilted his head, allowing his ears to relax against his neck.


“Teach us about the skies! And the clouds!” The one on the left of the runner spoke, their tail tip tapping the ground excitedly.


“Oh! Yeah! The clouds! We’ve heard about them before, but we haven’t been able to learn much about them.” The one in the middle contributed, their long ears quivering.


“Alright, alright. I can teach you what I can about clouds.” Wassail chuckled, sighing as he shifted on his pillow pile again.


“So, clouds are really big masses of water vapor. Heated air evaporates the surface water in to tiny droplets that rise in to the sky. When enough of those tiny droplets rise up, they start to condense and collect together. The clouds they make are really poofy looking, and they are white. They don’t touch each other though, kind of like how you don’t. When there are so many droplets though, they start to gather together and make even heavier and darker gray clouds.” The runner pulled a rock over that was the same dark gray that the clouds get before a rainstorm.


“So, water gets put in to the sky? By heat?” The one on the left asked, stretching out on their pillow pile.


“Correct. Either by the sun, or even by the fires we make. There are also different kinds of clouds. The puffy ones I spoke of are called cumulus clouds, there are ones are as wispy as the fabrics the Watcher clan wears, called cirrus clouds.” The scarlet and dark teal winged runner used a pillow as an example of the first type of cloud as he spoke.


The trio was so invested in what the topsider was talking about that none of them seemed to have noticed the leader, Khaldor walk by with a crystal that was being put back near them. He sat a few yards away from the group, listening in on the impromptu teacher and the class he seemingly gathered. And he was a natural at this. Like he's had to mediate between those younger than him before. Soon though the trio of Haedians grew tired, their eyelids drooping though they were fighting it extremely hard.


“Go take a rest. If I can think of anything else, I will let you know.” Wassail hummed, tucking his wings in.


There was a chorus of grumblings but no actual complaints as the trio stood and padded off.

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Teaching those Younger - Keepers 2
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In Events ・ By MountainDewTheDutch
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Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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