Forgotten Clan: 1

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So here they were deep in the caverns under Vitalus on a task for the Forgotten clan. It was just as beautiful as the topside, but darker. Without the open sky, the tyrians only had the glow from crystals, mushrooms, moss, and water to guide them through the tunnels. They flew silently in a single file line until they settled high in a rock cavern that Troall mentioned. 

Oeric sighed as the trio sat in the shadows waiting for their target to appear. 

"We could've just stolen something..." Oeric mumbled as he fiddled with a bucket of oil, "that's more up my alley." 

Griffith waved at him and told him to be quiet in wild gestures. Oeric rolled his eyes. 

"We voted to prank," Aule's deep voice whispered, causing Griffith to gesture frantically again for them to be quiet. Aule settled the bag of feathers near the edge of the crevice they were sitting on.

"It will always be two against one, you guys are too soft." Oeric grumbled. Griffith smacked him in the shoulder and again gestured for the pair to be quiet.

“What happens when we have to face an angry haedian?” Oeric continued to question this plan. He flickered a few pebbles off the edge and they clattered to the ground below. Oeric and Aule sat straight up as the pebbles made more noise than Oeric had expected. Griffith on the other hand, tired of trying to quiet the pair, flopped to the ground with an exasperated sigh.

Griffith looked around the cavern watching the glow from one bioluminescent plant refract through crystals around it. When there was a breeze the light would flicker around the walls like they were dancing. Griffith watched for a few more moments before it struck him that they were too deep for a natural breeze. 

He grabbed Aule and Oeric by the shoulders and frantically gestured for them to quiet. They need to listen for steps or wings. Oeric was about to make a remark about how skittish Griffith was being, but he didn’t get the chance. 

The trio listened as they heard wings cutting through the air. They looked around to see if they were high enough, but the noise was too faint to pinpoint where it was coming from. Luckily, their target had glowing eyes and with the darkness around them they could see the eyes. Their target was bobbing and weaving through the air below them. They were moving faster than the group anticipated, but the three tyrians scrambled into action. 

Oeric quietly positioned himself slightly away from Griffith and Aule with his bucket. As the haedian flew closer Oeric prepared to douse them in oil  A breath later Oeric knocked the oil onto the unsuspecting haedian. The creature’s flight faltered, but they kept flying forward. 

Aule and Griffith were next. The haedian’s flight was wobbling but they made it to Aule and Griffith where the two tyrians each unloaded a bag of feathers onto the haedian. The haedian exclaimed outwardly before they stumbled out of the air and roughly landed. 

Aule and Oeric were quick to duck behind the edge to hide, but Griffith peered over the edge with a big smile on his face. Out of nowhere, surprising all 4 reoseans, a cackle echoed through the cavern. 

“That was perfect!” Troall exclaimed through her laughter. The targeted haedian stared at Troall and the trio of tyrian saw recognition flash across the haedian’s eye before it turned to a glare. 

“Nice job guys,” Troall continued completely ignoring the angry haedian below. 

“Don’t you think we should run, or something. They look pretty mad.” Griffith murmured as he looked over the edge. 

Troall shrugged her shoulders and then looked at the group with an excited glint in her eye, “Let do it again, I have another haedian in mind!”

Oeric gave a quick ‘no’, while Aule and Griffith hummed and hawed. While Troall was eagerly trying to convince the group to prank someone else. They all felt a flash of heat from below. 

When the group turned their attention towards the source of heat they found the haedian. They had a full body flame that incinerated anything on them. They burned so hot the oil didn’t have a chance to combust, it just vanished with the feathers. The heat dissipated and the haedian was left spotless but still very clearly angry. 

Griffith was the first to regret his choice, “Surely we can talk about this.” He spoke quickly, but it was clear the haedian had no interest in talking. 

“Troall…” They growled, “that’s the fifth time this week.”

Oeric, Aule and Griffith realized their mistake teaming up with Troall in her mischievous games. Aule and Griffith calmly tried to speak to the haedian. However, Oeric, who had a fire spark too, was gearing up for a fight. The haedian eyes flashed with fire and the group could sense their window to resolve this peacefully was closing quickly. 


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Forgotten Clan: 1
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In Storyline Events ・ By Leoclare

Draw or write your Reosean taking part in the varying crimes and pranks that the Forgotten may hold. This could be stealing building materials, pranking another Haedian, or perhaps causing a distraction to allow for others to run in!

Oeric 15698
Griffith 14225
Aule 15638

Submitted By Leoclare for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 7 months agoLast Updated: 7 months ago

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[Forgotten Clan: 1 by Leoclare (Literature)](
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