Egress Unveiled - Order II
Option 2: The aged Haedian's eyes go tight with your denouncement, his previously stony face now gone granite. "Heretic!" he snaps at you, spittle flying from his loose lips.
"Blind follower of light! Your ignorance casts shadows on the sacred path, and your refusal to embrace the true path brands you a fool, condemned to wander in the darkness of your own disbelief." He spins from you, the group moving to follow as he calls out a name that you can't quite understand-- until whispers start curling towards you, the same word over and over again. Shira, Shira, Shira...
Draw or write your Reosean's reaction as Shira, the leader of the Order, descends upon you. She's massive, and somehow even angrier looking than the elder you just faced. Do you launch right into battle? Perhaps you will try to hide?
Submitted By Izmyr
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago