Floating Pool Time - Caregivers 1

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Wassail had never been so happy to have someone interrupted by another. He fled to the newcomer’s side faster than the loose feathers had finished falling to the ground when he moved.


“Shira, return to your station, this topsider has proven himself well enough to continue.” The newcomer spoke with a voice full of knowledge.


The red, black and white horned Haedian let out a hiss as she paced her way in front of the other. Her fangs were bared watching the scarlet and dark teal runner.


“Run away little topsider, you will have to pass through here again.” Her voice hissing with contempt.


“We will have to see about that ourselves.” The Haedian Wassail stood next too, and spoke again.


She turned and started her way into a different set of tunnels that led away from the cult like clan that was Order. Wassail chased after her, looking over his shoulder at the snarling leader before a whole body shudder over came him.


“Do not fret little one. She will not try to come after you if she knows what is good for her and her clan.” The haedian looked back at the vayron, slowing her pace to match his.


“Ah… Thank you… They are very…” He let out a nervous chuckle, “Intense?”


“That is one way to put it, yes. But they have to be, to be the protectors of our Matriarch.” She hummed, wrapping her tail behind the runner.


“Who are you… If that is allowed to be asked of course..” The scarlet and dark teal runner pulled his ears back, questioning clear in his expression.


“I am the Governess. Leader of the Caregivers, the ones who help the Matriarch. Cailu spoke of you when he returned to us after you parted ways.” She spoke, smiling at Wassail as he watched the caves turn once more.


“Oh- So that means… You’re like… The second in command of the whole underground? Kinda? Along with Shira?” Wassail questioned again, trying to wrap his head around the whole thing.


She chortled a bit, amusement on her features.


“That is one way of thinking about it. But that is not exactly the relationship though. For we of the Caregivers are all related to the Matriarch either by blood or by bonding to one in the clan.” She hummed.


The scarlet and deep teal runner grew into a comfortable quiet with the haedian as they moved through the tunnels. Eventually they were met with another large open air cavern. This one was filled with more pink and blue crystals, whose soft light cast even softer shadows. He noticed an extraordinarily still pool in the center of the cave with at least a baker’s dozen different Haedians sitting around it. Wassail looked around in awe as he took in the serene view. He followed the Governess towards the pool, though they were still a ways away from the edge.


“To meet with our beloved Matriarch, you must prove yourself to her and us by wading in to the pool before us. The Handmaids will overlook your progress and help to judge your character.” The Governess commented as a small group of veiled female haedians made their way towards the pair.


When they finally reached the pair, Wassail was conflicted about even making it to the Matriarch now. He made it this far, yes, but he was now struck with the fact that, he was almost there. He’s almost completed the second largest journey he's been on.


“Come, topsider. Please follow us to the pool.” One of the older Handmaidens speaks up.


Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Wassail looked up at the small group of haedians. He nodded before standing, when did he sit? When the group turned towards the pool, the Governess nudged him to follow.


“They will take care of you while you are within our clan. They follow the orders directly from the Matriarch herself, having been under her guidance since they were young.” She urges calmly and gently, her voice soft.


The winged runner nodded, following after the group of veiled Haedians. As he followed, he saw the smaller personal caves. Each one was layered with small crystal arrangements, flowing in and out of small insets of the wall. After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally stood with the small group who was to help him at the edge of the pool, just outside of the small lapping waves that occurred when a Haedian pulled themselves from the pool.


“When you enter the pool, relax and release your mind. Allow yourself to simply float within the water. It will show us what we need.” The handmaiden spoke once more.


“Okay..” Wassail was skeptical, but did as he was told.


He stepped into the water, shivering at the chill that hit his paws. Pushing passed that fact, he continued until he realized that he was no longer touching the bottom of the pool. He didn’t sink though, so he lazily pushed himself towards the middle of the pool. Spreading his wings he allowed himself to do as the Handmaiden had asked.


He simply floated.

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Floating Pool Time - Caregivers 1
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In Events ・ By MountainDewTheDutch
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Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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