The Ballad of the Bygone Drifters - The Keepers

In Events ・ By Dekeru
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╔═══The Keepers - Chapter ONE ═══

804 Words


Mari sighed, a soft release of contentment. Cailu had brought the group to the home of the Keepers of the Crystal Mind, a group of individuals who dedicated their lives to knowledge and the documentation of this information. Mari was in a fortunate position where she could now truly rest, confident that the party was safe in the Keeper's halls.

Otho and Grizz however were the unfortunate chosen, as they were unceremoniously surrounded by Haedians “oohing” and “aahing” at their unique anatomy. Even being living models wasn't enough as they were incessantly grilled by the Keepers, who would take it in turns milling around the pair and firing off new questions in quick succession.

Cailu chuckled beside Mari, amused at the Keepers display. Mari let out a small snort, a smirk playing across her lips. Grizz would break soon and take control - she could only put up with such constant attention from strangers for so long.

“Please!” Shouted Grizz, loud enough to be heard over the crowd, “You’re all being far too pushy! Our fur is ruffled and our muscles weary, please let us rest, we will happily tell your stories of topside once we are comfortable.” 

The flock of Haedians awkwardly shuffled backwards, hunkering down and following the Vayrons’ movements with bright glowing eyes.

Otho let out a small sigh of relief as he flopped to the ground, “Thanks Grizz.” he mumbled. Grizz smiled and lay down beside him, tucking her front paws under her chest in an almost feline-like manner. 

“Right, ask away-” immediately the crowd burst into a cacophony of questions, “Please!” Silence once again, “Put one hand up in the air and we will answer one question at a time!” the crowd, sensing the annoyance in her tone, each raised a curious hand.

“What are you?” Queried the first chosen Haedian.

“We are Vayrons.” Answered Grizz.

“How do you fly?” Asked the second.

“We don't.” Started Grizz bluntly.

The Keepers took notes, hastily scribbling away at tattered parchment. She continued to answer the extremely probing questions about Vayrons and their anatomy until the group was satisfied, they turned to Otho next with wide eyes. This time they asked no questions and instead waited expectantly for him to speak.

“Oh uh, I can tell you about plants?”

“Druids have plants.” Scoffed one of the Keepers.

“Ah, but our plants topside are grown by the light of the sun and the moisture from the rain.”

These new words seemed to pique the group's interest yet again, “What is rain and sun?” Otho launched into what one would describe as a particularly childish approach to the life cycle of plants on the surface, using basic terms and explanations to illustrate these facts to the Haedians.

Mari at this point had joined her partners, leaning against Grizz as the pair watched Otho with pride and adoration. “I do admit,” noted the short-furred Vayron, “I feel incredibly guilty taking him away from the Druids, he was truly in his element.”

Grizz gave a soft chuckle, “True, but we call Otho sapling for a reason: he would wilt without the sun and rain.” The pair shared a warm smile as Otho finished his impromptu science lesson, the crowd now looking eagerly towards Mari for their next sliver of information.

“Ah, uh, have you heard of birds?” She suggested gently. The crowd eagerly shook their heads, “So topside we have no roofs or ceilings to keep us enclosed…” She soon found her rhythm, launching into tales of birds, from chickens to eagles, and found herself describing the Empyrean Tyrians that the Vayrons found themselves befriending.

The crowd listened with rapt interest, continuing to add to their reams of notes while a select chosen Keeper held a small blue crystal close to his chest, lips wordlessly mimicking Mari as she spoke.

She finished her story, sparing barely a second before launching into the tale of the sky dwellers and how a whole new world was opened for the Vayrons. “The Tyrians showed us new heights, introducing us to the land of Vitalus and the powerful crystals that adorned its lands…” soon she was spinning tales of how their ancestors had first met the sky dwellers.

She paused, taking a second to really look at the Haedians, exploring the curve of their necks and the cut of their wings, “In fact,” she observed, “You hold an extreme likeness to those we have come to call Tyrian, perhaps you are distant ancestors?”

An excited murmur rumbled through the crowd, excited expressions adorning their faces. To be ancestors of such mythical beings? The Haedians could think of nothing more interesting.

“These Tyrians,” one posited, “Will we meet them?”

The Vayrons shared a glance with Cailu who shrugged, “I don't see why not, there were sky dwellers amongst the parties up top.”


╔═══The Keepers - Chapter TWO ═══

847 Words


Grizz found herself sat, surrounded by an inquisitive group of Haedian pups. Unlike the Forgotten pups that they had met weeks earlier, these pups were silent, well-mannered and patient, watching the Vayrons intently.

She spared her companions an awkward glance, one that screamed silently for help. Otho cocked his head slightly, shuffling to sit beside the pups, clearly just as interested in what Grizz was going to do as the children were.

Mari on the other hand, stood with Cailu and one of the older Keepers, Vhaedor, having a hushed conversation about their next steps.

“You want us to teach the pups?” she queried, the Keeper nodded enthusiastically.

“Yes please! Our children are empty vessels, ready to soak up any and all knowledge. They are the ones who tell our tales and maintain our crystals once we are old and tired so it is important they are included in all our ventures.”

Mari frowned slightly as she nodded, peering over to the flock of Haedian pups. Grizz was trying her best to entertain the crowd, gathering a small pile of stones with which to use as visual aids. 

“We have heard much of your magicks,” offered Vhaedor, “Perhaps you could demonstrate your abilities to the pups.” he bowed his head, and retreated to a far corner, plucking a pink crystal from a rocky shelf and cradling it in his hands.

Mari shared a glance with Cailu as the older Keeper situated himself behind the crowd, looking towards the Vayrons expectantly. He gestured for them to sit with Grizz, “Please, share your knowledge with our progeny.”

“Here,” Grizz posited, nodding towards the stones, “I was going to teach them of our continents, but that is not so much a skill.”

“Well,” whispered Mari to Grizz, “Vhaedor suggested we show them our magicks, but I’m not sure ours are the most appropriate.” Grizz hummed in silent agreement, although her and Mari’s magicks were visually extravagant, they weren’t quite… appropriate for children. Mari had the power drain life force and Grizz to reanimate. Together they had successfully eliminated and revived living beings.

Grizz pursed her lips and nodded in agreement, “I agree, a casual bit of necromancy probably isn’t what they’re expecting us to teach their children.” 

Otho stepped around the pups to join his partners, “You two seem to be struggling.” he said, joining their hushed conversation. “Might I make a suggestion?”

“Of course love, a suggestion would be most helpful.”

Otho nodded towards the small pile of rocks that Grizz had gathered, she had unintentionally chosen only the smoothest, flattest rocks. “Your choices remind me of the pieces from a Gelu board. Perhaps the pups would be interested in learning how to play?”

Mari smiled, “That’s a perfect idea!” she nudged Otho gently in the shoulder, “Can you draw a board in the dirt? We will set up the pieces.”

The three Vayrons quickly set to work, dividing the stones up into different colours - black, grey, white and brown - while Otho expertly sketched out an octagonal “board” in the soft rock of the floor, criss-crossing its surface with hatches and squares.

“Right!” he exclaimed, “We will need a volunteer to be our fourth player.” several pups eagerly stuck their chubby paws in the air, “Don’t worry, everyone will get a turn. The first game, Mari, Grizz and myself will play with the volunteer. The second game you may try together and we will help if needed.”

A ripple of excited whispers spread through the pups as they quickly divided themselves into groups of four, leaving the bravest of the pups to be the sole volunteer for the initial game.

The rules of Gelu were simple enough, each of the four players sat at an opposing side of the octagon, with an empty spot between them. Each had a different colour of stone -with ten stones total each - that could only move one square per turn, these stones could shunt an adjacent “enemy” stone and take its space. The aim of the game was to occupy as many of the hatched squares as possible by the end of the ten rounds.

The pups picked it up quickly, and Grizz won the first game by the skin of her teeth, her white stones occupying six of the hatched squares. The Haedian pup was a close second with five victory squares claimed.

Soon the Haedian pups were drawing their own boards, running simultaneous games as the Vayrons instead took the roles of referees for each group of four. Occasionally, Vhaedor, the adult Keeper that was overseeing the lesson, would transcribe his observations in his crystal, smiling as he did.

“Think we did good?” whispered Otho to Mari. Mari beamed in response, “We? Otho this was all you, me and Grizz were faltering with what to teach these pups!” she turned to overlook the games once again, the sound of laughter and indignation filling the room from winners and losers alike, “Not only did you come up with something interesting, but something fun that these pups will remember for years to come.”


╔═══The Keepers - Chapter THREE ═══

813 Words


The three Vayrons spent the next hour or so supervising several games of Gelu, with even Cailu joining in a few games as his interest was finally piqued. The Vayrons sat with each other as the games started running themselves, having a hushed conversation about their next steps.

Mari turned her head, Grizz and Otho following her gaze. Approaching them was one of the young Haedians, in his hands was a crystal, one that filled his palms and then some. Its surface was scarred and its colours dim. He handed it to Mari, who had to grip it tightly as it drew her paws to the ground. It was deceptively heavy, and the young Haedian seemed to notice this as he cupped her paws in his hands, helping her lift it.

He wordlessly peered up at her, the hint of a smile playing at his lips as he pushed the crystal towards her.

“I ah, thank you?” she held the crystal close to her chest, “What am I to do with this?” she mused aloud. The Haedian, now with his hands free, made a sign with his hands in an unspoken language that she was not familiar with.

Cailu chuckled, “He wants you to record your teachings in the crystal.”

Mari peered into the reflective surface, barely seeing her own reflection in its facets. “Oh.” she turned the crystal over in her paws as Otho and Grizz came to peer over Mari’s shoulder, their expressions mirroring her confusion. “I wonder,” she thought aloud, “If it works the same as the crystals in the Tranquils cave?”

Grizz nodded her agreement and nudged Otho’s shoulder. “Perhaps then it should be you who tries to engage this crystal? After all, it was your idea to teach them Gelu.”

“I can try.” he scratched his cheek nervously, “I’ve not had a chance to commune with the crystals in this realm yet.”

“It wasn’t so hard,” Mari recalled, “I sort of drew on my magic, but rather than releasing it I channelled it into the stone.” She hefted the crystal into Otho’s paws, mimicking the young Haedian and pushing it close to his chest. “Hold tight, it’s heavier than it looks.”

Otho wrapped his arms around the crystal as he leaned back to sit on his haunches. “Okay so just, channel my magic and think of Gelu?”

“That’s the theory at least.” Mari said with a small shrug. “But the Tranquils’ crystals were for healing not for recording, so there’s a chance it may not work exactly the same.”

Otho turned the crystal over in his paws before settling in a comfortable grip. “Okay, let’s give this a try then.” He closed his eyes and concentrated on his innate magical ability, visualising it in his mind’s eye. He always envisioned his magic like plants, with roots starting around his heart and spiralling out of his paws as spindly vines. 

When he healed the plants in the Druids’ Grove it was far easier to imagine his magic, as the vines almost became one with the ailing plants, binding with the stem and shooting out to each individual leaf.

He recalled this image, gently pulling at the roots around his heart and untangling them to stretch up to his mind, entangling his working memory and establishing a foothold. From here he let the vines spread from the root systems, twisting down his arms and down to his paws. He felt his digits tingle, aching to let loose the power that he tenuously grasped.

“Careful,” an echoey disembodied voice invaded his mind’s eye, “You’re shaking. If you let go too quickly you’re inclined to shatter it.” he nodded to himself; Mari was right, he needed to be cautious about this.

He slowly let the smallest tendrils leave his paws, flowing into the crystals and filling it with a soft green glow. Mari and Grizz let out a soft gasp, as Grizz turned to give her partner a look of worry. She didn’t need to vocalise her concerns as the crystal was now emitting an audible hum, quivering in Otho’s grasp. As Mari had observed, his paws were shaking and his body was tense.

“Relax Pothos,” murmured Grizz, “Use your magic, not your body.” He relaxed slightly and the magic flowed more evenly, the quivering stopped and the hum changed from a piercing whine to a soft purr. 

The glow hit its apex and Otho opened his eyes as it died down. Where the crystal was dim and obscured it was now bright and reflective. Peering closely at his work, Otho could see a tiny version of his group teaching a crowd of Keeper children how to play the board game Gelu.

“Wow,” he breathed, “It actually worked!”

The Haedian child who had given him the crystal eagerly took it from his outstretched paws, bowing his head in thanks as he did.

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The Ballad of the Bygone Drifters - The Keepers
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In Events ・ By Dekeru

Grizz - Mari - Otho

Prompt Start:

As the Keepers of the Crystal Mind follow and record every happening, there is little they do not know of the land beneath. However, information about the world above is scarce and unreliable. They know of the Matriarch’s hatred for the topside and are not often able to find ‘unbiased’ sources of the happenings above.

Draw or write your Reosean bringing information of the Topside to the leader of the Crystal Mind. This can be anything from illustratively describing the process of a water cycle, creating a system for transport across Vitalus’s island, or even using a display of magic to explain what you may think the Keepers would like to store into their libraries.

Prompt 2 - 1:

Keen on the fostering of knowledge from a young age, the Keepers maintain a tradition of mentoring younger Haedians in the art of storytelling and historical preservation, ensuring that their lineage of knowledge continues unbroken. While you cannot contribute to these areas of knowledge, your unique skills and experiences can be of value.

Draw or write your Reosean teaching a Haedian pup a skill from your world - it could be how your spark of magic ignited, how reoseans work with other species to build things, or perhaps something that is more near and dear to your heart.

Prompt 3 - 1:

The pups ooh and ahh at your stories, eyes lit up with delight at the newfound knowledge. They place a crystal in your hand, waiting for you to record a summary.

Draw or write your reosean filtering all of their magic into the crystal, or perhaps they are unsure of that method and prefer to stick to quill and paper?

Submitted By Dekeru
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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