Dressing for the occasion - Watchers 2

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With the racing portion of the initiation complete, Wassail was greeted by some of the more outgoing members of the clan. They crowded around him as he was dragging towards a much smaller cave where he spotted linens and other fabrics lining the walls on carved out shelves. There was also a mirror lined with glowing crystals.


“Welcome, welcome, please come this way.” The covered haedian spoke softly.


“Thank you… What is this place exactly? I am intrigued by it.” The scarlet and sea moss colored runner tilted his head, allowing his large ears to flop to the side.


“This, is our changing area, and where we make our outfits you see us wearing even now. We would love to show you some of our local outfits.” The covered Haedian spoke again, the jewelry draped over their own wings making a soft tinkling sound as they shifted.


“Oh! That would be delightful. Honestly, if you wish to showcase multiple outfits, and accessories, please, I would love to learn.” Wassail smiled, his wings shifting and shaking a bit.


He watched as the small group of haedians shuffled around, grabbing spools of thread and reams of fabric before surrounding him again.


“Oh, I do think he would look lovely with the silver chains.” One of the youngsters spoke, their voice soft as the babbling stream that was just below the caves.


Wassail looked around, noticing the tapestries hanging along the walls. With a gentle gaze, he let his eyes wander the images shown. Each one was different, their images holding the depictions of celestial bodies. The Moon, Stars and others unknown to the runner. He heard more rustling behind him and then more soft rattling sounds.


“Alright, please, spread your wings into a comfortable position, no need to strain them.” The older one spoke, sitting just to Wassail’s left.


Nodding a bit, he let his wings unfurl towards the Haedians. Apprehensive as he was, he was curious to see how things would turn out. Feeling gentle tugging between his feathers, he soon felt small chains shifting between them. Their delicate paw movements allowed for feathers that felt uncomfortable, but couldn’t reach, to lay them flat again. Soon, he felt them guiding dangling pendants being nestled within his feathers.


“Oh that looks stunning already, I can not wait to see him in the rest of the outfit.” A third Haedian chirped quietly, holding fabric within her paws.


“Oh I concur. He will look absolutely stunning with these colors.” The older one spoke again.


Wassail tried to crane his neck to look at his wings when he received a light smack on the nose. He jerked back a bit, more in surprise than pain. Looking at the one who did it, he gave a pout like a scowl.


“Ah ah ah, no peeking. Not allowed.” The youngest spoke again, a grin clear in their voice.


Letting out a chuff, the scarlet and sea moss green runner wiggled where he sat to get comfortable again. He sighed as the trio went about their work again.


“Alright, dear one, for this portion I will need you to stretch your wings up behind your back, again, no need to strain them, but they should not move.” The eldest one spoke warmly again.


With another grumble, Wassail pulled his wings back, tucking them slightly when he brushed them past the duo that stood behind him. He settled again, shifting his front paws. Finally, he saw the third Haedian standing before him holding two pieces of clothing up in front of his nose. One was a dark blue, the other a much paler one.


“Do you say the teal or the royal blue for the base color?” They asked, looking at him then between the two Haedians behind him.


“I say teal.” The one to his left spoke.


“I concur. It suits his eyes.” The one to his right spoke soon after.


“Teal it is then. Let us put this on you before we pick the secondary.” The one in front of him, clapped their paws together after setting the darker of the two fabrics down.


They set to work draping it across his shoulders and topline. One of them started to pull his messy mane into a row of neat buns. They continued to weave silver chains with glittering gems inset to it within the buns. As soon as they started, one of the two from behind him pulled away to go look for another set of fabrics.


“I think a green would go nicely. A mint green or a chartreuse?” They returned with two different colored fabrics again.


“The mint green. Similar enough to teal without clashing abhorrently.” The oldest of the trio spoke.


“I second that too.” The one in front of him responded.


“Perfect!” The cloth holding one chirped, setting aside the slightly darker of the two.


Setting back to work, the trio quickly finished wrapping the cloth around him. Tying loose knots, they all hummed when they were finished.


“Come, take a look.” The one to his left spoke, gently pushing him towards a clear pool.


Standing, Wassail made his way over to the pool. Looking in his eyes widened.


“Wow, this is… This is amazing.” He was truly in awe at the outfit despite his earlier hesitations.


“It is, isnt it? Come back! We have more to show!” The youngest one spoke again, eager to do more.


Wassail simply chuckled before allowing himself to get dragged back for more.

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Dressing for the occasion - Watchers 2
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In Events ・ By MountainDewTheDutch
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Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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