Fish Heist

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Xe-li - 226 words
Vranjad eyed the puller who had accompanied him into the depths of Vitalus curiously, he didnt seem like the type to wear crystal jewelry though some piercings on the darkcoated puller at least suggested that he was interested in fine metal.
Yet a sales pitch wasnt why Vranjad was within some dark tunnel under Vitalus- well not entirely, no. Piers, the name of the reosean to accompany the purple coated runner and him had been sent to the Beneath on behalf of the Elder to find clues on what the odd quakes and phenomena that have plagued Vitalus could be on about.

On their travels the two had not only met Cailu, their impromptu tour guide but also a clan called the Forgotten, lead by a Haedian called Troall and they... were a sad bunch having needed to hide in the shadows and scour for supplies, food and building materials alike.

Feeling like he was around likeminded people and that a bit of his knack for thievery wouldnt be disapproved of if he stole from those that the Forgotten was against Vranjad had felt right at home, which made it easy for the runner to agree to steal from a fishing spot another clan was said to leave fishing traps at. In Vranjads eyes getting the Forgotten on his side could prove fruitful in the future.


Felfeyn - 252 words
Piers wasn't quite sure how he ended up here; requested to travel Beneath to attempt to investigate the strange string of recent events by the Elder of Vitalus, accompanied by a spotted grape-coated runner, Vranjad, and setting out on their journey before encountering the strange quadrupedal tyrian named Cailu.

Cailu, apparently a haedian, lacked the large leathery winged limbs of tyrians he was familiar with, instead having four normal legs with dextrous hands, and a pair of large fin-like wings sprouting from his shoulders and connecting to his haunches.

Letting Vranjad mostly lead the conversation with Cailu while they traveled, Piers listened to the ebb and flow of question and answer, occasionally chiming in whilst observing their surroundings. The winding tunnel had gradually opened up into a large crystalline cavern, ceiling supported by massive stone pillars and a lake visible in the distance. His dark pelt seemed to cause a void in the refractions on the crystals, and the jangling of his chain collar bounced off the rocks while they walked.

Eventually, they were introduced them to a ragtag group of haedians, a clan known as the Forgotten who were lead by a female named Troall. It was easy to see that hard times had befallen the clan, many of them being a bit too lean and dwellings being a bit ramshackle.

Having heard out Troall's request, he agreed to help alongside Vranjad. He may not support thievery for the sake of greed, but he would help them survive a little easier.


Xe-li - 122 words

Cailu had started to lead the party toward the body of water where another clan had set up fishing traps, leading the three down everwinding paths of stone, crystal and glowing fungi that added some very welcome light into the surroundings.

"So- how much longer?" asked Vranjad causing his voice to echo throughout the cavern, Cailu and Piers hushed him at the same time. "Quiet." whispered Cailu crouching down to the ground as it appeared the 3 had been closer to the lake ahead than anticipated.


Felfeyn - 83 words

Temporarily parting ways with the Forgotten, the mismatched trio set off in the direction of a neighboring tribe.

"So how do we want to do this?" the calico patterned haedian questioned, glancing at the two vayrons.

"Food! Or stuff to build with," Vranjad replied, "looked like they could use it."

"Definitely food," Piers chimed in, "less time hunting is time they can spend on housing."

"Food it is. Fish would probably be easiest, and least likely to be noticed missing. Let's do this!"


Xe-li - 58 words

"Remember to look like you belong here if you are spotted and leave the talking to the professinals hmm?" asked Vranjad with a cheeky smile and a wink directed at Piers.

Despite the intial playful attitude Vranjad then focused on the task at hand by taking on a serious expression and gingerly tiptoeing closer to the waters edge.


Felfeyn - 75 words

Piers gave a sharp nod, glancing at both of his companions before prowling forward into the thin foliage. His thick shadowy fur helping him blend into the shadows and mane partially obscuring the white blazes on his face.

He crept closer and closer to the loose net on the shoreline, constantly scanning for any signs of movement, body gradually lowering as he neared his objective until he was nearly dragging his belly in the dirt.


Xe-li - 74 words

Vranjad glanced at Piers and smirked. The puller was doing a good job at concealing himself, maybe in another life he too would have made a good thief, he thought to himself.

Yet that was something to consider at another time, Vranjad dipped his frontpaws into the cold, cool crystalclear water with it being chillier than the runner had expected. he cautiously dove into the water, making sure not to splash around too much.


Felfeyn - 129 words

With a heave, Piers dragged the last bit of the net fully onto shore and further up the bank before letting go with a huff. He stalked back around the edge of it to the remaining, properly set up net before peering into the water to check for fish.

There were a number of shadows entangled in the fibres, some still but many still wriggling in their bonds in an attempt to escape. Mottled white toes breached the water as he strode in to start gathering fish, making several trips with a few more each time until he'd taken roughly half of them, now flopped on his comandeered net.

Eyeing his work before nodding, he began dragging his haul back into the underbrush to meet up with the others.


Xe-li - 190 words

Whilst Piers had an easy time gathering the fish up Vranjad was struggling.
If one were to take a look at the two theyd be able to tell at a glance that Vranjad lacked what Piers had in brawn.

More dexterous then the puller the runner relied on finesse to try and tame the fish. yet you cant exactly persuade a fish to stop squirming as much as you its a test of strength.
Vranjad managed to haul a few fish ashore and with each one his selfconfidence inflated until he thought he could steal a particular big fish.

Already hearing the Forgotten praise him for it as well as to offer him future business relationships and oh Piers- how he longed to have the puller admit that he was pretty strong for a Runner clouded his vision.

He managed to drag the fish above the water but it in turn fought hard, so hard that Vranjad was struggling to keep his head still with the fish shaking about in his maw.

The silence was shattered as soon as the fish managed to hit the waters surface with its tail.


Felfeyn - 122 words

A loud SPLASH split the silence, echoing loudly through the cavern.

Piers' head whipped around to face the source of the noise, eyes wide, spotting Vranjad out in the water fighting with a large fish as it flailed about creating an absolute racket.


Abandoning his haul, he put his all into racing around the lake's edge, heart racing while his paws ripped up the soil below until skidding to a stop at the nearest point to the other. Muscles tightened and Piers launched himself out over the water in an attempt to reach Vranjad quicker, paddling out the rest of the way.

"Come on!" was muffled by the flesh of the fish, now clenched tight between a second set of jaws.


Xe-li - 90 words

"Im trying!" retorted Vranjad, a tinge of panic coloring his voice as he fought against the fish with Piers.
Soon thanks to the effort of the two the shore was within reach and yet as the shore came closer so had whispers of conversation rrached the two vayrons ears.

Cailu in the meantime had hidden his face with his clawed hands, eyes glued shut at the scene unfolding before him.
Someone would be here soon and it was up to the two Vayrons to make haste to secure "their" catch.


Felfeyn - 105 words

Ears rotating towards the voices in the distance, Piers released his grip on the fish after a brief tug.

"We need to hurry, let's go!"

Paws once again tore up dirt as the puller kicked into gear and booked it for the foliage bordering the lake, and nearly slammed face first into Cailu's chest once in the safety of the shadows. He took a moment to breathe.

"Hey, my nets over that way," he gestured with his head, nose pointing the way, "it's decently full, can you start taking it back with this last fish? We can sneak through the bush easier to catch up."


Xe-li - 65 words

Vranjads brows furrowed as they hastily fled the scene, helping Piers Cailu carry the fish net with them. Little did they know that someone could easily tell where the surplus of fish had gone if only they traced the drops of water left behind by the waterlogged net and the fish secured within. Surely this wouldnt come to bite them in the bum right? Surely.


Felfeyn - 30 words

It took some hours of slowly carrying the fish-ladden net to return to the home of the Forgotten, making sure they weren't followed, but they got there in the end.

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Fish Heist
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In Storyline Events ・ By Xe-Li, FelFeyn

Word Count: 1621 Words

Collaboration with FelFeyn for the new storyline event!

Draw or write your Reosean taking part in the varying crimes and pranks that the Forgotten may hold. This could be stealing building materials, pranking another Haedian, or perhaps causing a distraction to allow for others to run in!

Featured Reoseans: 

Submitted By Xe-Li for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

Xe-Li: Roleplay Participant
FelFeyn: Roleplay Participant
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