[2913] [13757] Darkweave Begone [Druids p3]
Pyrrah watched Theneras inspect the diseased plants, tracing the blackened veins winding along each brittle stem. The discovery that it was Darkweave gave Pyrrah a glimmer of hope—they’d actually seen something like this before. Maybe it didn’t need to be a painstaking, leaf-by-leaf process to treat it. Thank the gods for that.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “You know, if we’re talking about clearing out the Darkweave, we could try making a solution… but one that’s magic-infused like what Theneras did. I mean, up top, we sometimes treat blights with natural sprays, but this is different I think—it’s deep in the veins. So it’d need to be a little more… Special!”
He looked over to Theneras for some kind of confirmation–hoping that he didn’t simply sound like an idiot.. Theneras let his paws hover just above a particularly blackened leaf, considering Pyrrah’s suggestion.
Theneras- “You’re absolutely right- Darkweave is tricky. Treating something so deep-rooted needs more than a surface solution. When I’ve seen this aboveground, we’ve used something infused with life magic- almost like… a bath! It’ll be almost like breathing new life into the infected veins.”
He glanced over at Pyrrah with an encouraging smile.
Theneras- “I think if we can find the right balance, something that’s both restorative and strong enough to push out the corruption, it might work even here.”
Pyrrah-Vos~“If we gather a potion base, mix in some of that healing magic, and spray the solution directly onto the infected areas, it could work from the inside out. We’d just have to test it out on a few spots first, see if it actually soaks in and kicks out the Darkweave. Might take a few test runs though.”
Auris approached then, his gaze serious yet intrigued.
Auris~ “This suggestion is not without merit. If the magic can be carried through liquid, it might allow us to treat entire areas instead of single plants. I will call for the most potent herbs we have for potion-making.”
He gestured to a few nearby druids, who swiftly moved to gather supplies.
Pyrrah-Vos~” Great! I’ve got no idea what in the hells a solution like that would consist of besides magic though.”
Theneras chuckled softly, giving Pyrrah a reassuring pat on the shoulder. He knew the chaser wasn’t quite in his depths here, but definitely appreciated the assistance.
Theneras- “Luckily for us, I’ve worked with concoctions like this before. When we go through the forests up top, we make sure to treat any blighted or infected areas. The forest breeds life, and sustains us while we’re there- so it’s only right we take care of it.”
He explained a little, trying to think then on what they could need. What would work for the plants down here, he wondered.
Theneras- “Hmm.. We’ll likely need something with strong binding properties at the very least- a thickener to make sure the solution clings and doesn’t just roll off. Honeyroot, if you have it, should do the trick. If not, then… I assume you have some sort of aloe plant down here, too? Something sticky but not poisonous.”
The chaser was immensely more confident in his own abilities the longer time went on.
Theneras- “Also, we’ll need herbs with natural purifying properties. Anything that’s known for strength against decay, specifically. Something against blockages if that’s not available. A few drops of magic at the end should activate it as a concoction. Once we’ve mixed this up, we can start small, like Pyrrah said, and adjust the potion if we need to. We’ll have the Darkweave brought to its knees in no time! And! Maybe even have other plans protected against any lingering effects, should they try to take hold again.”
Pyrrah-Vos~” Sounds sick! No– no pun intended… Haha..”
Pyrrah grinned, feeling his confidence grow as they built out the plan together. It was mostly Theneras though. The druids around them were quick to gather what they could from the Beneath’s stores, setting out ingredients on a flat stone altar. Vials of glowing liquid, clumps of moss, and bundles of potent-smelling herbs formed a small arsenal of nature’s best defences. Naturally, everything seemed a world away from what the surface could provide.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Alright, fet’s test if these… uh, substitutes here have the right clinginess, so it doesn’t all slide right off.”
He picked up one of the thick leaves a druid had brought over, cracking it open as a sap-like gel oozed out and clung to his paws. He turned to Auris, who watched with a contemplative nod, seemingly approving of their progress so far..
Auris~ “This is promising. The plants of the Beneath are unlike yours, but if your methods bring life back to these veins, you may yet help heal the grove.”
He dipped his fingers into the solution once they added more together, ensuring it had the magical properties they required and testing its texture as the green liquid clung to his paws.
Pyrrah-Vos~ “Looks like it’s holding together. Let’s spread it onto one of the smaller patches, see if it starts to kick out that nastiness.”
He and Theneras then set out and dabbed some of the mixture onto infected leaves nearby, the magic-imbued liquid soaking into the blackened veins. With the druids gathering close, they watched in tense silence as the mixture seeped deeper, reaching into the veins. The leaf shuddered slightly as a subtle green glow pulsed through it.
Auris’ expression softened just a bit, watching as the two surface dwellers did all they could to bring the flora back to life.
The Darkweave stands no chance with Pyrrah and Theneras on the jobs!
Draw or write your Reosean attempting to staunch this illness and the imminent catastrophe it brings. Will you succeed or fail in your quest to save the sacred grove?
WC: 922/800
Submitted By Kelyias
for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago