Forgotten 1 - A Trial by Fire(Fights)
Wassail started to plan his trip to make his way towards the cave systems that lay under the continent of Vitalis. Having been present when the Elder gave his speech about seeking the crystals and following where they went into the depths and returning with the findings. Ther red and green winged runner had spent the last three weeks preparing to embark underground to learn about the mysterious lands that happen to be under the land he ruled.
The scarlet and sea moss green winged runner had spent the last three weeks in preparation to head underground to learn more of the lands and gather new information and ideas to tell the rest when he returned home.
After returning back to Vitalus, Wassail made his way back through the forest of the island. Locating the entrance of the cave system was not as difficult to do as one would have thought. The trail was marked with claw marks and broken plants. As he made his way from the padded forest floors to the shifting pebbled solid rock of the caves, he was met with the chilled air of the lands below. Leaving the pebbled ground, he finally got onto solid rock within the main cave system. He was soon met with less sun light and more light given by glowing crystals, each in unique colors. Purples, blues and pinks shimmered and danced across the cave walls and ceiling. Slowly he made his way down, following along side the path closest to the wall. He was met with interesting structures along the walls, raised platforms and storage areas.
Soon enough though, Wassail was keeping himself in the shadows as best he could with the brighter colors of his coat. He passed by under ground waterfalls, slipping a little along the bank when he passed a river. It seemed like hours had passed, following the Elders instructions as best he could. Then came a shuffling sound over the sounds of a creature ahead of him. When he got to a decent vantage point, still semi hidden in the shadows, Wassail settled in to watch what was coming.
Soon a long lean figure appeared in the clearing, their front half was dark, like the cave around them, their tail was pale, near white, same with a dappled patch across their back. Their glowing eyes looked around, sniffing the ground and air. The runner narrowed his own eyes, watching their movements. It was smooth like the running water, their fluffed tail seemed to just barely dust across the ground like they knew not to get it dirty. Looking closer, the scarlet and sea moss colored runner noticed that the figure was thin. Their skin was taut against their ribs, just starting to show them. After sniffing the air a bit, the creature lifted its head, looking in the general direction of the runner.
“Who goes there?” Their voice wavered a bit, trying to overlay the fear with confidence.
Wassail took a step back, tucking his tail so as to not step on it, but mistakenly forgot to check what was behind him before doing so. He let out a yelp, more so out of shock than any pain, as he slipped into a shallow stream behind him. The sound reverberated through the cavern caused the other to look with narrowed glowing eyes.
“I know someone is there. Reveal yourself.” They growled lowly, bearing their fangs as they stepped towards where the runner was.
Letting out a shaky exhale, the scarlet and sea moss runner stepped from the stream. Shaking his back paws of as much water as he could, he appeared from the shadows. Still on guard though, he watched the other. He realized that this was the species that the Elder had mentioned. The Haedians, a variety of Tyrians, were unseen for many years. The Tyrian watched him, their narrowing eyes lit dimly.
“My name is Wassail. I hail from the lands above these. I was told by the Elder to come down to investigate the magical happenings that have started to appear above ground.” The runner spoke calmly, still not letting his guard down watching the growling Haedian.
The haedian was silent for a moment, contemplating what the other had spoken. He seemed apprehensive, untrusting, but Wassail couldn’t discern if it was truly at him.
“My name is Zul’Drakiri, we must move quickly if we do not wish to be caught by the other clans.” The black and white Haedian lifted his head to scent the air.
“Get caught?” Wassail questioned, frowning a bit, but followed the haedian as he made his way past scratched rocks and piles of materials.
“I mean what I said. Let us get a move on before they figure out there was someone here.” The lanky being stalked away, keeping low to the ground.
Wassail followed at a short clip away, enough to not crowd, but close enough to not lose the other being. They headed deeper within the caves, and what went from one large cavern turned into tunnels and much smaller caverns.
“So you never told me as to why you don't wish to be found out by the… other clans?” The winged runner padded a bit faster to keep up with the trot the Haedian had set.
“Correct. We of the Forgotten have no clan but each other. We must steal from the other clans to merely survive.” The dark Haedian looked back at the winged runner, his glowing eyes questioning.
“Steal to survive… How many of there are you, if you even know?” Wassail frowned, more so in worry than in disgust. He knew what it was like to have to do something similar.
“We are many, all cast out from our original clans. But we make do with that. Make a place for ourselves. We follow Troall, our clan leader, on most raids. We have one coming up if you wish to help. We can always use an extra set of paws.” Zul hummed as he brushed aside some low hanging moss as they entered a seemingly communal area.
There were Haedians everywhere. Rushing too and fro, chittering about plans of what to grab. A smaller one scuttled across in front of the pair, mumbling a hello before leaving again. They made their way towards the middle of the group where a black, white and orange Haedian sat, growling out orders before the ones surrounding them bound off to prep.
“Leader Troall, I have returned and found someone who may be of use to us in this raid.” Zul spoke solidly, standing tall gesturing to the runner near him.
“What is your name, newcomer?” The one in front of them both spoke.
“Wassail, I was asked to come down to these lands to meet with the inhabitants. Your clan was the first I met, I hope to make your acquaintance, Troall.” The scarlet runner bowed his head, keeping eye contact with the glowing eyes in front of him.
There was a silence between the two, Zul having gone off to finish his own preparations. The runner lifted his head, pressing his wings against his flanks.
“Fine, you may come along. But you must keep up.” Troall stood, sweeping her broad flat tail across the ground.
She trodded off with Wassail right behind, to gather a list of what he was to grab during the raid. When he did, he followed the crowd of Haedians as they made their way through the tunnels. When they started to split up into smaller groups, Wassail went with Zul and Troall.
“Just up ahead, there is a storehouse they use for holding their food supplies. Get as much as you can.” Troall bared her fangs with a grin.
The pair nodded, soon they were within the hold, growling and scooping what food they could into saddlebags they all had donned. Wassail was pushing a wrapped package of dried meats into Zul’s pack, when they heard shouts of distress. They were found out.
“We have gotten what we came for plus some. Let us leave.” The black and white Haedian hissed softly, pulling his packs closed.
Wassail nodded, looking over his shoulder as he watch Troall and the others retreating into the tunnel they had arrived from. He bound after the clan, laughing as he tucked his wings over the bags he was using.
Maybe, he could have fun on these adventures.
Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago